Flock/Life Journey's 2019

Krystal, you know we need baby bump pics :love She's already got a cast of aunties and uncles out here. :hugs And as Kayla said, she'll be our little princess to all of us :celebrate

Awww you guys are so cute :) She is already loved by her BYC Aunty and Uncles :love
I will take a photo tonight. Im at work at the moment. Im getting really big and im only just over 20 weeks. :he I feel like a mini elephant. But Jordan is so happy his having his daddies little girl :love and the support he has given me is amazing. He was always amazing but its so good to see him so excited. :love
How is Everyone? Whats new?

3rd batch of Brahma eggs is hatching under our broody buff Orpington today.
Two other hens just went broody there yesterday and I’ve given them some of the guineas eggs so we'll see how that goes. :D

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