Hi guys,
I know rooster removal comes up quite often and some people have posted to Craigslist, here, or other sources in order to rehome birds or just leave the job of butchering to someone else. My wife and I recently purchased several straight run chicks. We have 2 blue-laced red Wyandottes, 1 blue Ameraucana, 1 EE, and 3 lavender Orpington chicks - all between 1 and 2.5 weeks old at this point. We will only be able to keep the pullets due to city ordinance. Since this is our first batch of birds and my wife's first experience in raising livestock animals, I don't think she would take kindly to the idea of me butchering any birds - I tried to discourage her from naming them, but she couldn't help herself
. Since our birds are eggers/dual purpose and not all exactly common coloring, I would be happiest giving any roosters away locally to people who would utilize them for breeding first before giving them away or selling them for butchering.
In your experience, have you been successful with Craigslist or another method and have you given them away or sold cockerels as meat birds ready to butcher just to recoup a little of the cost of the birds?
Thank you for your advice / experience.
If anyone is in the Northwest Arkansas area, BYC users would definitely have first dibs on any (free) boys that show up once these get older. I will post some pictures once they start getting in more feathers.
I know rooster removal comes up quite often and some people have posted to Craigslist, here, or other sources in order to rehome birds or just leave the job of butchering to someone else. My wife and I recently purchased several straight run chicks. We have 2 blue-laced red Wyandottes, 1 blue Ameraucana, 1 EE, and 3 lavender Orpington chicks - all between 1 and 2.5 weeks old at this point. We will only be able to keep the pullets due to city ordinance. Since this is our first batch of birds and my wife's first experience in raising livestock animals, I don't think she would take kindly to the idea of me butchering any birds - I tried to discourage her from naming them, but she couldn't help herself

In your experience, have you been successful with Craigslist or another method and have you given them away or sold cockerels as meat birds ready to butcher just to recoup a little of the cost of the birds?
Thank you for your advice / experience.
If anyone is in the Northwest Arkansas area, BYC users would definitely have first dibs on any (free) boys that show up once these get older. I will post some pictures once they start getting in more feathers.