Flock Master64's Coop/Hutch Photo Contest!

Here's my old coop.....I know I know, it looks kind of scary. :lol: (And when I say old, I mean old. Like, 90 years old. :eek: ) It's made of solid cedar logs, with some painted chipboard on the front, and my great grandfather made it. (I've been meaning to replace that broken window for awhile) It's divided into two sections, with my chickens in the smaller section to the right, and surrounded by a giant run of 6 foot tall chain link fencing. The roof was leaking, so fall 2015 my dad and I took on the task of replacing it, it was a tiresome and slightly dangerous business, (my dad almost fell through rotten boards on the roof twice) but worth it.



(The indoor photo is slightly outdated, there's now a pop door to the left of the nest boxes, and a 2x4 roost in front of the nest boxes.)
Here's my old coop.....I know I know, it looks kind of scary.
(And when I say old, I mean old. Like, 90 years old.
) It's made of solid cedar logs, with some painted chipboard on the front, and my great grandfather made it. (I've been meaning to replace that broken window for awhile) It's divided into two sections, with my chickens in the smaller section to the right, and surrounded by a giant run of 6 foot tall chain link fencing. The roof was leaking, so fall 2015 my dad and I took on the task of replacing it, it was a tiresome and slightly dangerous business, (my dad almost fell through rotten boards on the roof twice) but worth it.

(The indoor photo is slightly outdated, there's now a pop door to the left of the nest boxes, and a 2x4 roost in front of the nest boxes.)
nice, is 90 years exaggerated or is it really that old?
currently in process, hoping to be done towards the end of the month, but knowing me and how I tend to change things constantly and tend to delay my own projects so here's hoping
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I just finished my new coop for my girls yesterday...I'll post pics tomorrow when it's daylight. Didn't take any yet. I may tweak a few things over time, but it's basically done. Loving everyone's pics! TerryH, that's one gorgeous coop and run!!! I love that window planter and hanging flower pots!!

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