Flock slowly being wiped out - possibly mareks??

Congratulations you solved half of your birds problem. Keep it up! Soon you could be helping others. That's why I like this BYC network, it helps to save lives. Don't forget to put glucose in their water cos you might not know when she'll need extra energy to overcome her weakness.
When raising chickens keep record of all the symptoms and medications you come across cos it will help you in the future, and your vet will find it easy to solve complicated symptoms.
I think you would agree with me, that your friends' chicks died sterving.
I believe the cocci causes vitamin deficiencies because it destroys the gut lining. I think that could explain the weakness and the weight loss.

Cocci will cause dehydration and osmatic balance issues before vitamins become an issue. You need to invest time in understanding the interactions between cocci, the birds immmune system and coccidiostats. Your treating at 6 months intervals likely has no effect on your flocks well being but does promote the cocci developing resistant to amprolium.
So relieved that the lab report indicated a definitive cause and you now have a course of action. Hope Gloria continues to "survive" until the medication kicks in and there is no permanent damage to her system. Keep us posted on her progress please..
You have helped, thank you so much much! Here are the results for the sample I sent:

Basically its definetly cocci. This means that the amprol doesnt work!!! I'm just about to google baycox!

I am so pleased that I have a diagnosis.
Amprollium is a very good drug for every strain of cocci. It's the drug of choice in the US. Baycox (toltrzuril) is also good, but not as readily available here. After any cocci treatment, give probiotics, and vitamins for several day. Personally I would not use vinegar in their water while they are sick, since it could interfere with the drugs, and because it is an irritant to sick intestines. Many people use vinegar, but it does not prevent coccidiosis.
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I use veniger to raise my 50 day olds and now 41 survived nd are laying very good. They're 26 weeks old now. Veniger did work for them cos I never used amprolium on them untill they're 16 weeks old and they start laying at week 20. I use local herbs on them to treat some symptoms though. African experince it is.
I don't know your experience with veniger, if you might want to share with us.
Most of my birds that are exposed to cocci are not treated for cocci yet most of the time most survive. Complicating issues (high rainfall) creates the situation where more birds are treated. Ultimately all birds carry the cocci with little or no apparent ill effects.
She is definitely on the road to recovery, she managed to stay upright without drooping her head for a good 10 mins yesterday and she trying to move about more. She is eating well and her colour is better. I am hoping that the scarring to her intestines isnt so bad that she cant fully recover.


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