Florida Always Sunny Side up Chicken Swap. UPDATE

I don't know for sure exactly how many. If you look at the food list it's a start. I have seen posts on other threads of members that said they were coming and I know some of my neighbors are, a good guesstamate would be at least 25 at this time. It's still two weeks away and anything can happen.
Hey All,
Help !!!!!
Stan's not going to be able to make it. He was supposed to bring a grill. Anyone want to volunteer, pretty please ??? I don't have an outside grill.
Um, yeah, cuz otherwise, there's no need to bring my hot dogs, or someone else's hamburgers, etc. I don't have a pickup so I'm not bringing the grill.
I have a small grill I could bring, we would have to grill things in shifts. It is charcoal. The gas one is way to big to put in my SUV.

Anyone interested in Rouen duck hatching eggs? I can collect them this week if you are.
I can bring a grill, I actually have a brand new very nice large charcoal grill , way bigger than a Weber . It lights up and is ready in like 30 minutes , I love it! My ONLY problem is that I may not be able to stay very long . I am going to get in touch with Maye and find out if she can take it home and I can get it from her later on.
Sorry guys, Looks like I won't be able to make it either.

I forgot that I had made a commitment to go here, and I just can't do 2 swaps is a row.

Thanks guys bringing the grills would be great. I have a small bag of charcoal left from the previous owner. Since Nava isn't gonna make it I guess we need paper and plastic to eat with. I do have a full bag of foam plates I got free at a WD sale last year in case we need extra. I got a conference table free off CL last year which would be great to put all the food on. Just need help getting it out to the carport. Hope to see you all there. Just remember this is a farm out in the real sticks and farms are not the cleanest places in the world. Don't wear your Sunday church clothes. LOL

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