Florida Always Sunny Side up Chicken Swap. UPDATE

I'm not such a good cook, so if you don't mind Maye I'll bring the plates,spoons and cups,napkins etc.....

Cloverleaf farms can you tell me if you can bring a birchen roo? I am hoping for a trio of bantam Cochin and how much so I can check the budget :)
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I'm making a typical American w potatoes eggs onions and mayo. I may be german but that's what my mother always made. I've never had German so go ahead and bring it. I'm dieing to try yours.

OK, I'll bring it, hopefully it won't kill you. It is very different, no mayo and lots of vinegar and can be served hot. It is great for affairs like the swap. It is an old family recipe, but I am not sure if it is even from the German side of my family. My mother grew up in PA with lots of German influences.

Maye, definitely bring your eggs. We can have a show and tell a month after the swap. Unexpected results can be fun. Maybe we should all bring mystery eggs and see who gets the wildest results.

We could all post pictures of the resulting chicks. That would be hilarious. I could just see stan pick a NN.
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SunnyChic! Haven't seen you much, LOVE the new logo!!!! Diet Coke has my vote...

I'd bring eggs, but their mixed flock large chickens.

All the food sounds great. Someone could bring hot dog buns....

Diet Coke it is...I'm glad you like the logo. I'm sure I'll have some Dutch bantam eggs I can bring for the egg swap.
We are going to try to come to this one. I may have lavendar and mottled bantam cochin chicks. They are out of my show stock. May also have Ameraucana, Heritage RIR to we will see what hatches in the next few weeks. Anyone bringing desert? I could bring brownies or cookies. We can also bring hamburger and hotdog buns if needed...

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