We has PEEPS! I am SO EGGSCITED! Well, excited really, as no eggs as of yet, but very healthy, happy baby chicks! Three Australorps, three Barred Rocks and two Speckled Sussexes.
They are such cuties!
Can someone please recommend a good hatchery that's in Florida if possible? I had 8 chicks (6 weeks now) and I'm down to 5--3 roosters were given to a lady with a farm to take care of. Now one of my laced Wyandotte's is making this pitiful sound that is loud and crowish. I keep saying it to pullet but my husband says I'm in denial. So what I am looking for is a place where I can get one or two Ameraucana 's that are sexed so I don't have to go through getting close to them and then having to find another place for them to live if they turned out to be a rooster. I've already lost one Ameraucana and I have one more that is starting to get a fairly pink on it's comb.
Also, this is my last Ameraucana. Can anyone tell me if she's a she or he? It looks like there was another pecking fight so please disregard the spot of blood on her comb.

And this is the one that started crowing noises 3 days ago
Can someone please recommend a good hatchery that's in Florida if possible? I had 8 chicks (6 weeks now) and I'm down to 5--3 roosters were given to a lady with a farm to take care of. Now one of my laced Wyandotte's is making this pitiful sound that is loud and crowish. I keep saying it to pullet but my husband says I'm in denial. So what I am looking for is a place where I can get one or two Ameraucana 's that are sexed so I don't have to go through getting close to them and then having to find another place for them to live if they turned out to be a rooster. I've already lost one Ameraucana and I have one more that is starting to get a fairly pink on it's comb.
I really don't know of any hatcheries in Florida. There are several breeder of various breeds. I myself raise Heritage Rose Comb and Single Comb Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Whites and Red Sex-Links. I haven't started hatching yet but will be soon. Tractor supply will be having their chick days soon. Often times they get Ameraucana chicks in. If they don't you could ask he store manager if they could order some in. They are a very popular breed so it is most likely they will get them in. Maybe check around with different feed stores in your area. Good luck and have fun...

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