Random cuteness, 2 of my 6 blue rocks from Halo:
Oh Man!! You got at least 2 splashes!! Gotta love them babies!!!!
Morning all, hoping I start getting email notices for new posts again so I stop falling behind.

Busy as usual around here. Every Saturday is farm day for us from 9-4 and usually have a steady stream of customers coming through. We sell out of chicken eggs each Saturday, so it is working. This past weekend we sold our flock of Rouens too! 5 girls all 1 yr and their drake also 1. Will deliver them this next weekend to their new owner.

The Khaki, Buff, and Silver Appleyards are all laying now so reduced the duck laying crowd by one flock. Hubby's white Scovy should start laying April/May. The call ducks are almost in full swing now with laying. The African geese are laying like crazy, and the Sebastopols are all gearing up big time. They also just split themselves up on me into new groups. So going to see how the goose wife swap goes this week. We have a new pair arriving tomorrow, can't wait as they are top birds with great color.

Currently growing out we have: BCM, Orps in Lav, black, and a few splash, EE, loads of Lav Ameracuana, BLRW, Light Brahma.

In the bator: EE, Lav Orp, call ducks, Sebastopol geese

And we have 4 baby bunnies now 2 weeks old, eyes open and hopping around.

To all the newest members from over here on Merritt Island
Yup, just the one splash. Yeah, that Silver Penciled Rock is named Stan. He needs some manners when it comes to the ladies, but he's young. I'm sure he'll turn out just as smooth and funny as his namesake....

Cuties for sure, but I only see 1 splash. And that is a very handsome cockerel you have there too! Hope you named him appropiatly!!

Well hello y'all, so good to see so many people in Florida on this forum! Our farm is called LongMoss Farm. We are in the Northern part of Keystone Heights, FL. Our website is www.LongMossFarm.com.

Here's a little picture to prove that the very annoying woman on TV (Nancy Grace), who doesn't think there are any coyote's in Florida, doesn't know half of what she thinks she knows. Taken this past Saturday on our game cam near the goat pasture. We have new kids on the ground and this fella can smell them for sure. I plan to force feed him lead instead. These critters jump fence anywhere they please, and aren't the least bit intimidated by a top strand of barb wire. Anyone else with coyote problems?

They are not in my neighborhood (the country folk
would kill them asap) but just down the road there have been coyotes, they've killed chickens and dogs (small dogs). Also, in fancy smancy subdivisions near here there are coyotes picking off cats and small dogs.

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