OMG send some my way. That would really help get rid of the stick tight fleas I've been fighting.
I just did send you some.by posting that picture
If you would like more just bring some rain barrels and get all you want if the ground don't soak it up before you get here.Update it's almost gone from ground being so dry.
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I got my rain!!!!
FINALLY!!!!! Naturally it starts not only the day but the exact time that I was gonna head into town. S'okay, I'll take it!!

Congrats on the hatch, Juan! Were the eggs from your flock?
My BB banty just hatched out three on Saturday.

So did I . Finally........even though I got stuck in the barn. Did you ever see the dumbest bunch of Aussies? Tried everything to get them to come in even the treat bucket. As soon as it started raining they ran outside. When it started to really pour they huddled up to the fence. Go Figure

So did I . Finally........even though I got stuck in the barn. Did you ever see the dumbest bunch of Aussies? Tried everything to get them to come in even the treat bucket. As soon as it started raining they ran outside. When it started to really pour they huddled up to the fence. Go Figure

You have to train them to come in out of the rain unless they are as proud as I am to see the rain.
They did this the last time it rained real hard. I just chalked it up to being chicks. Well they're not chicks any more. I think the noise of the rain on the metal roof freaks them out. They came back in when the noise quit.

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