No one near Tampa/Lakeland happens to have a female Pekin duck that needs a home, do they? My daughter has a pair and her drake needs some more entertainment. ;-) She shows them in 4H shows when she can coordinate it with her dairy goat shows and generally spoils them. I can't drive really far, but thought about surprising her around Christmas with a present that quacks.

Anyone else's animals doing weird things? The duck that hasn't been laying started again, and my hens are laying like it's going out of style. I think the oak trees are budding too. It's like everything in my backyard thinks it's spring. The goats are even running around frollicking more than usual. Not that I'm complaining- the weather has been wonderful for outdoor projects.

One more thing- my daughter is thinking about taking her Pekin ducks to the State fair. She had them- and a BO- at the county fair and did well, although there wasn't a lot of competition in her age bracket. Anyone have experience? She wasn't able to go to the poultry seminar since she was at the dairy goat class, so she's not sure what to be prepared for. I just told her she has to get a bunch of her goat record book and such done early if she's doing two projects- since it's a lot of work for a 9 year old. What am I getting myself into...
One more thing- my daughter is thinking about taking her Pekin ducks to the State fair. She had them- and a BO- at the county fair and did well, although there wasn't a lot of competition in her age bracket. Anyone have experience? She wasn't able to go to the poultry seminar since she was at the dairy goat class, so she's not sure what to be prepared for. I just told her she has to get a bunch of her goat record book and such done early if she's doing two projects- since it's a lot of work for a 9 year old. What am I getting myself into...

Good luck to your daughter!
i gots questions
1. how many are there?
2. what are there names?
3. how much do they cost?
4. why are you selling them?
5. how old are they?
6. are they healthy?

Stan's birds are absolutely gorgeous. They are not your every day run of the mill bird. I purchased several of his birds a few weeks back and can not say enough about them. Here is the gang at around 4 months old:
Can someone tell me if it is safe to plant bougainvillea around chicken? My run for the coop is under a pergola and I would like to plant grape vine preferablly but have been unable to locate any so could some of the locals help a newbie out?
Can someone tell me if it is safe to plant bougainvillea around chicken? My run for the coop is under a pergola and I would like to plant grape vine preferablly but have been unable to locate any so could some of the locals help a newbie out?
Probably wouldn't be safe for the bougainviella, but I don't think it would harm the chickens! Welcome to BYC and the Fla thread. My thinking is that it gets so big that it would be intrusive. How about some honeysuckel or another fast growing vine that would give you cover without thorns or massive stalks? My bougainvilla is huge, it would interfear with fencing i think....stan
I swore I would never plant another vine on my property. If you don't keep up with them, they grow where THEY decide to, and not where you want! I'm so sick of vines taking over, so beware, think carefully to be sure you can maintain any vine you plant.....
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