I live in Florida, now near Ocala but originally St. Pete. I have chicken wire for my pens. I also have electrical wire around my pens and coops. I have netting on top of all of my pens. I have not had a predator get any of my birds in a very long time. This past month I had two snakes get electrocuted in my electric wires that are around my fences. If a predator touches the wire I have heard them cry out. Once they know the electric is there they don't come back to test it again. The white rope looking stuff is the electrical wires.
FINALLY.... the first eggs from my 8 girls, all that is left of the original 12. Though, I am not sure who laid them though...lol. I have 1 Cornish Cross,(Bertha) 3 Leghorns(Lucy, Lita and Lina), 3 Red SL's (Ruby,Opal and Pearl) and a black one with a copper necklace bantam (Selene). I lost my larger rooster, Brutus a Cornish X, not too long ago to a possible florida bobcat, so now my girls have been pretty quiet. I am debating a new rooster but how do I introduce one into my current flock?
But, back to the other question, any idea who might have lad such tiny eggs? Could it be the first ones fron the reds? But why... the leghorns and Cornish X are older?

I believe it might be the same pullet?

Head Hen of the Beaks and Talons Inn aka the coop
Most pullets will lay smaller eggs when they first start laying. Some start laying sooner than others. I have some that took close to 9 months before they started laying and others at 4 to 6 months. There should be no problem introducing a new male to your girls. He will make them his girls. At first they may be a bit leary of him but will eventually get things straight. I will be moving my males and females around. I will have a couple of coops and pens with all young males, but as long as there are no girls in those pens and coops the boys will be ok. They have been raised together and soon it will be time to separate the males from the females.
Congratulations on the eggs!
I believe those eggs came from your Red SLs or possibly the black one. Leghorns are white egg layers and, I believe, so are cornish X's. Egg layers will mature at different rates, but your cornish x is not generally known for egg laying. Leghorns are well known to produce a lot of eggs from a lot less food. SLs (black and red) are very hardy layers of brown eggs. I have a few cockerels I would love to give you, but you are a few hours south of me and I think you could find a nice rooster down there. Good luck!
Looking for a lavender/wheaton/splash easter egger pullet or hen...my favorite of this years hatch got hung up in the chicken wire at the top of the run...no idea how. She broke or dislocated either her hip or femur so I"m being realistic that I will probably need to replace her. BOOOO!
Looking for a lavender/wheaton/splash easter egger pullet or hen...my favorite of this years hatch got hung up in the chicken wire at the top of the run...no idea how. She broke or dislocated either her hip or femur so I"m being realistic that I will probably need to replace her. BOOOO!
Sorry about your pullet. I have a black and a silver that are 9 and 10 months.
What do I think? I think she's a very pretty pullet. :) Is she missing her beard all together or just plain faced? It looks naked/bare on her neck there.

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