If one of your birds layed 4 eggs in one day, that should be in Guinness World Records. Did you actually see one bird lay 4 eggs? Just curious.
I think it is physically impossible for a hen to lay 4 eggs in one day.
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And if she is, let her brood and I want one of your chicks!

The picture looks to be two females.

These are males

A male and a female
I they are 6 months old. I thought for sure the pointed hackle feathers and curled saddle feathers, much larger and brighter waddles and comb were of a rooster.. the eggs were laid while i was at work.. I am going to separate tomorrow during work to see if they both are laying. Still new to chickens, and i was 100% that was a roo. Imagine my explosive excitement when i came home to 4 eggs i think came from one hen!

Though if that's turns out to be a rare crazy hen laying 4/day i'm definitely selling her eggs!!!
Red Star = Red Sex Link = Cinnamon Queen
There's a ton of names for them. I just type Star because it's shorter and when you're talking to anyone who doesn't know there's a breed called "Sex Link"... well lets just say I've had a few weird looks
plus my daughter is a tomboy/diva and she likes the "star" name better
I have had birds, though rarely lay two eggs in one day. Usually one doesn't lay the day before so there is a egg in the plumbing and she lays it early in the day and later in the day will lay another one. I see it mostly with my Leghorns.
Red Star = Red Sex Link = Cinnamon Queen
There's a ton of names for them. I just type Star because it's shorter and when you're talking to anyone who doesn't know there's a breed called "Sex Link"... well lets just say I've had a few weird looks
plus my daughter is a tomboy/diva and she likes the "star" name better
I know of Silkies, Rhode Island Reds, now own Blue Wyandotte and researched Jersey Giants but they don't like to be cooped up need to roam and I have too many predators, and now Red Star! I have limited knowledge that is for sure, but everything I see, I want. No can do, not until I get that 40 acre farm and have plenty of time for them all!
I had three chickies hatch so far :D the yellow one there has crooked toes poor thing , i got the toes taped i just hope they straighten up, he/ she also has a vaulted skull

Good luck and hopefully it won't be too long before you can get your farm. Even if you don't get 40 acres, a few acres will work. My birds are pasture ranged during the day but they really don't venture that far from their coops and pens. Often times when I go out to the coops the birds are in their pens rather than out free ranging with their gates wide open so they can go in and out at their will. Years ago I had several different breeds, I finally got too overwhelmed with them all and have cut that down to a more manageable number of breeds. I also breed to the APA Standard of Perfection because I show some of my birds at poultry shows.
Good luck and hopefully it won't be too long before you can get your farm. Even if you don't get 40 acres, a few acres will work. My birds are pasture ranged during the day but they really don't venture that far from their coops and pens. Often times when I go out to the coops the birds are in their pens rather than out free ranging with their gates wide open so they can go in and out at their will. Years ago I had several different breeds, I finally got too overwhelmed with them all and have cut that down to a more manageable number of breeds. I also breed to the APA Standard of Perfection because I show some of my birds at poultry shows.
A neighbor down the road just had three mini-goats taken - I believe only a big cat could have done that, any dog or coyote would not have been able to drag them over the fence and they tend to leave a mess. The goats are just gone. : ( Be that as it may, I won't let me chickens out of the coop area the hawks are always circling and gators have made it up into the yard - they can climb horse fence when properly motivated. I understand we also have coyotes in the area now. It is a shame. We have 5 acres. I want to move to the panhandle area - some day God willing - but have to stay here until our daughter graduates high school and we save money to leave. Palm Beach County has gotten out of hand, that is for sure. Then, I will branch out I would love more Rhode Island Reds, Silkies, Jersey Giants and pheasants.
I had three chickies hatch so far
the yellow one there has crooked toes poor thing , i got the toes taped i just hope they straighten up, he/ she also has a vaulted skull

Aww, I had a silkie/banty mix named Penny who was deformed at birth - he lived over a year, was my special little boy. I named my silkies after coins, I had Nickle, Dime, Penny; Sable, the black Bantam with multicolored tail feathers was the Rooster and Silkie, the most beautiful white silkie I had ever seen, was the mother - and she was taken by a hawk oh what a terrible day - I raised the chicks practically in my lap. Maybe you can put your little guy in a cat carrier and baby him along?

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