So...by name...we're officially a farm..haha. Here's our "pig" (I say, I say, guineathat is, son -Fog Horn Leg Horn voice over ) being inspected by our big black baby dog. (90 lbs rottie/catahoula/boxer mix)

Oh waiter, there's a rodent in my hat

Daisy peek a booing

I know they don't do heat all that well but does anyone know if I can bring this little girl outside with me on cool mornings?
I use to bring my guinea pig outside with me all the time, when I was a kid. She would help me pull grass away from the pretty roses my Mom had. I would bring out water with me and she would stay close to me and eat grass. Those were good times with my pig!
Ain't she though?  she loves to be covered in your lap and borrow around. Real cuddler.  cuddle..ish. cuddle..y? You get my meaning.   We got our move narrowed down to 2 possibles after our youngest finishes high school in 4 years. Cherokee NC ( not the touristy Casino area, neither ) or the outskirts of Canon City, Colorado.  Our dream is enough acreage to have as many chickens as we d___ well please INCLUDING roos, at least 1 donkey, couple cows, couple goats, at least 4 hogs, 4 horses an above ground pool with tilapia and all our pets we got now...Hi my names Noah.  haha  It's our plan/dream to have the starting set up for us to be self sustaining. Ah, dream...crossing my fingers we have it come true!  :fl
Ain't she though?  she loves to be covered in your lap and borrow around. Real cuddler.  cuddle..ish. cuddle..y? You get my meaning.   We got our move narrowed down to 2 possibles after our youngest finishes high school in 4 years. Cherokee NC ( not the touristy Casino area, neither ) or the outskirts of Canon City, Colorado.  Our dream is enough acreage to have as many chickens as we d___ well please INCLUDING roos, at least 1 donkey, couple cows, couple goats, at least 4 hogs, 4 horses an above ground pool with tilapia and all our pets we got now...Hi my names Noah.  haha  It's our plan/dream to have the starting set up for us to be self sustaining. Ah, dream...crossing my fingers we have it come true!  :fl
sounds like a plan! I hope it works out for you. We have the self sustaining plan but minus horses and donkeys for now. I plan on a large garden and one day a U Pick blueberry farm. We shall see.
Since these pictures were taken we have added 5 more coops so now I have sprinklers in some of the pens and each sprinkler will wet the ground of 3 pens each. Some of the birds don't mind and go out into the areas when the sprinklers are on and some won't, but they do like to scratch around in the wet sand. I love taking pictures too.
It sounds like you have your hands full of all different kinds of animals. When do you have time to sleep?? I just have chickens and tropical fish.
weird...I gave up sleep when we started our zoo! Dotty wakes me between 1 and 3 AM to go potty...she's got a bladder the size of a pea. Say hi Dotty girl

HI! I have a ball!

Dash needs a close eye on him so he doesn't play to hard...knee area ligament replacement surgery couple years back.

Maxwell P. Cat there, he steals bread. We found him under the Christmas tree one year...with a whole loaf of bread. "all I want for Christmas is...bread!"

Manon...helps...me file things...

Papillon lets me know when its time to feed everyone...loudly and without end

The twins just remembered they have wings...and flutter fly over the coop fence

Jeanie A.K.A. Chickzilla reigns over all she sees with an iron beak

and new additions thanks to Jeanie being such a great nest sitter on cream leg bar eggs...Boo

and Poppin peep peep peep all the way home...haha

and you heard about Daisy the guinea pig...shes a pig. Seriously...she eats like she's going to die tomorrow

With all this free entertainment...who needs sleep??
To GooseGrrl:
Oh now you're preaching to the choir on the speckled sussex! We had one, Tippy Hendren (hehe) but she fell ill and we lost her in record time. Found her one day not being her usual Tippy self...and in a week's time she was put to sleep. Still paying off the vets for that. Tell you what, though, Sunday we went for a drive and ended up at Rural King in Crystal River and we almost came home with a Tippy replacement. As well as 2 Khaki Campbell (ducklings) I've wanted ducks for so long it was killing me how cute they were! But we stayed strong. HAHA. I said "no dear" to the speckled sussex and wifey said "no dear" to the ducklings. It's like we're each other's support group cause we're BOTH suckers for babies!
Anyways, glad to meet you, Goose. Names Will.
Post Script:
Do you really have a goose? If so, think you could post a photo? Also, being a English lit and Ed. major ( yes I'm picking your melon ) Why is it choir isn't spelled ch - i - or? Seems to me it should be i before the o r since that's how it sounds don't ya figure? Some spelling make me scratch my top knot...
Ahhh... I love the naming of a bird after Tippi Hedren! The nerd in me approves.

The story with my board name is a sad one. I got a trio of Africans last spring and hand raised them. Being their official 'momma' they LOVED me. Followed me everywhere, wanted to sit in my lap, talked to me in beautiful chatter for entire conversations. Even once reaching sexual maturity in the late summer near fall they still loved me(other people, not so much). Then, coyotes happened. A group of them snagged my birds out of my pasture right in broad daylight. My kitchen window faces the pasture, so I knew the three were taking their afternoon nap by their pool, then I heard one loud 'HONK'... looked out and two coyotes were racing away with a bird each. One still had my male in his mouth. I tore out the back door, but it was too late. The last coyote dropped my boy and tore away after the others. Gone. Left my boy with a broken neck, and bite marks all over his chest. I assume he got out a 'honk' because the darned 'yote missed his neck on the first lunge, giving him time to flog and try to sound a warning, but it didn't work.
I do want geese again, but have decided that I want to have Pilgrims since they autosex. Selling extra goslings would just be so much easier that way, so I'm holding out until I find some nice ones.

After the coyote incident I was really bummed. But we decided to re-fence the two sides of our back pasture that only had 4strand barbwire instead of the no-climb woven(or chainlink) on the other sides. That way it would be a better deterrent to the coyotes that are a little too prolific in my area.
Since re-fencing I decided to foray into some chickens again, and I've always had a penchant for the little oeg bantams. They really are sweeties. My month olds already actually like me holding and petting them. If I have one in hand often another will jump onto my lap or arm.

As to the English language and spelling in general. A whole TON of the English we use isn't very English at all. We are the language that takes and takes, and does very little giving... much like the English colonial period. LOL
Choir in particular is English via Latin and French. Essentially we stole it, the spelling that is. Probably due to the fact that anyone in England who actually had any money at all actually had a preference for speaking French during a significant portion of their history. Only the poor actually spoke the Germanic based Old English. Prior to the Latinization of many words they already existed in English, just with completely different spellings... i.e. quyre(choir).

Pics of the cockerels I am trying to rehome. They are nice! 17 weeks, Greenfire and Little Peddler
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Ain't she though? she loves to be covered in your lap and borrow around. Real cuddler. cuddle..ish. cuddle..y? You get my meaning. We got our move narrowed down to 2 possibles after our youngest finishes high school in 4 years. Cherokee NC ( not the touristy Casino area, neither ) or the outskirts of Canon City, Colorado. Our dream is enough acreage to have as many chickens as we d___ well please INCLUDING roos, at least 1 donkey, couple cows, couple goats, at least 4 hogs, 4 horses an above ground pool with tilapia and all our pets we got now...Hi my names Noah. haha It's our plan/dream to have the starting set up for us to be self sustaining. Ah, dream...crossing my fingers we have it come true!

Unless they are drafts you are using instead of tractors, those horses will suck the self sustainment right out of you.
1 ) Ahhh... I love the naming of a bird after Tippi Hedren! The nerd in me approves.

2 ) The story with my board name is a sad one.

3 ) As to the English language and spelling in general.
1 ) HAHA, nothing nerdy about The Birds at all! Love that movie and it was the original base for thoughts on what to name everyone...our chickens/the birds..haha! Like the actress, Tippy
( with her own spelling- Y not i ) she was beautiful! We miss her very much.
2 ) I am so so sorry about your geese, having lost them, especially that way....dang., that would have had me out hitting the floor running. Course, like you, it would have been to late. Losing pets is bad enough but that way? Too horrible. I been wanting ducks to add to our urban zoo/farm. Took me forever to even think about ducks. Years before my wife and I got together, a life time ago, I had a little bunch of ducks. The were imprinted very strong to me, like your geese, followed me pert near everywhere. My fondest recollection is this bunch was when I was late for something...real terrible late, and ran out the front door to my jeep and I hear this thu thu thu thu thu behind me...they were up on the roof and were flying after me. Ga dang I miss that motley crew. Anyways, went out of town this one time and had neighbors down the road agree to tend to them. Come back after my trip and they had been all killed by some dog. Awful, I had raised them from a week old. Well..glad to hear you're thinking on geese again. Hope you can find you pilgrims and nothing happens to them..
3 ) Wow...you know, I know I'm not all that well spoken nor my typing, too. I been told I type like I talk..."very bonnie like". That particular comment was from my daughter...she's a brain, that one. Very proud. Nice of you to take my query as a real pondering and not just a comment. Thanks, I learned something on a chicken site! Corse, I DO learn all sorts and kinds of things here, chicken and non- chicken related!
Sorry about your loss. Some coyotes killed a bunch of my birds. They jumped over a 5' fence. I did get a shot off but had bird shot in my shotgun instead of buckshot and I am certain I hit a coyote but didn't kill it. Now all of my pens are covered and have electric wire around them too. So far, haven't lost a bird to a predator since. I have heard critters come in contact with the electricity but once they get a good shock they don't come back to test it out again. I have touched the wire when I forgot to turn it of and it made my heart ship a few beats.
Sorry about your loss. Some coyotes killed a bunch of my birds. They jumped over a 5' fence. I did get a shot off but had bird shot in my shotgun instead of buckshot and I am certain I hit a coyote but didn't kill it. Now all of my pens are covered and have electric wire around them too. So far, haven't lost a bird to a predator since. I have heard critters come in contact with the electricity but once they get a good shock they don't come back to test it out again. I have touched the wire when I forgot to turn it of and it made my heart ship a few beats.
My wife'd say "aw poor coyote" I say GOOD for you! Plus...yikes on forgetting about the wire, bet that smarted something terrible. I was working on our frig some 2 weeks ago and got me a shock made me all herky jerky...

Zzzzzzzzzzzap!YI YI YI YI YIIIKES!

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