I'm in Tallahassee, Florida. I just (finally, Yippee!!) got my own chickens after having chicken fever my entire life. I got four buff brahmas, two easter eggers, and two barred rocks. I'm so pumped to be a chicken owner at last.
hi Jelly
congrats on our new chickens!
Hi there! I'm currently living in Montara, California (on the coast about half an hour south of SF) and unlike the movies it's FREEZING here. Last summer was so perpetually foggy and miserable, I finally had enough! Heat and humidity are what I crave, so my husband and I decided to move to Florida this winter. We're looking at getting about 5 acres somewhere in Manatee County where we can finally have chickens, a large garden and eventually a couple goats for milk and cheese. Why there of all places? My husband and I both prefer to be outdoors, we're sick of suburban life. Also, my parents are likely moving to Venice in a year or two and we're pretty close, so being near them (but not too near!) would be awesome. And honestly, the word "manatee" just triggers instant giggles.

So far my research is pointing to 4-5 hens and a rooster, most likely Black Australorps so we can have a chicken dinner once in a while besides all the yummy fresh eggs. One of the things I haven't been able to find out yet is how to deal with chickens in a hot and humid climate like where we'll live. I assume extra water and shade is needed, and the humidity will mean more frequent coop cleanings; is there anything else I should know about?

Thanks in advance and great to meet you all!
In Florida you may want to go coop-less and look into the open air pens. I love mine. I built it under an arbor for shade and it does help a lot. I also have sand and it helps to wet it in spots so they can cool bathe!
Math Ace- I've been waiting (impatiently I might add) for the lady that orders the chicks to come back from vacation, she will be back tomorrow, and I know they have some chicks coming in but the girl that was there didn't know what had been ordered.

Unfortunately one of my chicks (I only got 2) had a case of pasty butt this morning, I cleaned her butt real good, cleaned out the brooder, and added 2 tbsp of gatoraid to the water (because I dont have any probiotics), and my local feed stores are all closed on Sundays. I tried to get her to drink with no success, I doubt she will make it through the day, but I'm crossing my fingers. Anyone have any advice? Thanks!!

Woo! My birthday is on Sunday and my boyfriend said I can definitely get 2 chickens for my birthday. So excited! Now I just have to track down those silkies. I got an e-mail from the lady in Jacksonville today, fingers crossed!

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