if you put them together they should eventually get along, they are just establishing "pecking order". I would be curious if your picky chick weren't a roo.

Hope you have better luck with farm than me. We have always had a pickup, got a new one, bought our retirement land ( acres), started picking out floor plans and the the housing crash happened. Our house now worth less than we paid for it 20 years ago. We need funds from it to finance building new house. At our ages (late 60's early 70's) it looks like we will eventually have to sell land and settle for our smaill lot in Brevard county.

I am still looking to find a couple of more girls to "adpot" so my Erin can have her coop full again. Problem being no one wanting to sell or give away young hens laying brown eggs. (Thanks again Shelly) I'm retired can't afford prices some people are asking. Put an add on CL wanting brown eggs and got a nasty caling me a bigot. People are so weird.

Enjoy those beautiful babies.
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if it looks like Naked Neck Silkie then it is a Vegas Bird

Thanks, Nava. Okay, then I'm looking for a showgirl cockerel or roo!
I thought the same thing too...haven't heard any "crowing" yet, but they are still young...If she is a he, would you be interested him?! LOL...I see you're in Brevard...I'm in Pinellas...but maybe something could be worked out...even is she is a she, I may be interested in sending her down your way
She's not horribly bad, but I don't want to take the chance of her hurting my little ones, so they're separated in the meantime for the little ones' safety...
if they only do it while inside, maybe they need a little more room, also when you make your coop always ALWAYS make it bigger rather than just making it the right amount of space for the birds you might have at the time.

We also bought a Pony while we were still renting an apartment
we like to do things backwards too

ETA also they might be bored!!! make them look for their food and that might keep the chick from pecking the others
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Andrea, if your RIR is a girl I would love to have her, but it is quiet a ride to get her. However, can't have any roos, except in stewpot.

When I purchased my all girl flock, I ended up with 9 RIR roos. Boy did they get loud and 1 or 2 got mean. 1 especially, to the point my Erin said he had to be the first to go. She even helped eat him. He was also absolutely the most beautiful bird..................show quality. John says "if it crows, it goes"
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Hey all,

Picked up lumber today, tore down a section of fence and moved our goat house so the goats can use it during wet and dry seasons. Tomorrow we set posts and build a 12x12x6 high flight pen for the ducks complete with new pond. So glad we are able to do this as planned with the government coming to an agreement on the budget.

I am also going to be selling 3 of my 4 Mille Fluer D'Uccle hens, 2 standards and a porceleon as well as my silkies 2 buff hens a blue hen and a splash roo. Also thinking about letting the Buff Orphington girls go (2) started laying last fall. Gotta make room for new EE chicks we are adding to increase the colored egg production. So many egg customers want green and blue eggs over brown.

Adding in call ducks for breeding, a new pair of Mandarins and a pair of Silver Wood Ducks as well for breeding. Then there are our 3 Rouen ducklings now 2 weeks old and growing like bad weeds.
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This made me laugh- I brought eggs to my instructor and she said she had trouble eating the colored eggs cause she thought of them as "pets"
I told her they weren't fertile, but I don't think it sunk in

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