Woo Hoo crazy chicken lady from Naples/Golden Gate Estates. Anyone else near by? I'm a newbie at posting.

HI!!! I'm nearby! I'll send you a message!

ps, this is a great picture! https://www.backyardchickens.com/gallery/image/view/id/5222391/album/6098792
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Hey FL peeps...can anybody share pix of your open air coops? Seems like all I find are the enclosed little houses & I'd like to give my birds a cooling breeze but keep them dry in the rain and secure from predators too.
Hey FL peeps...can anybody share pix of your open air coops?  Seems like all I find are the enclosed little houses & I'd like to give my birds a cooling breeze but keep them dry in the rain and secure from predators too.

this is my mom's I will have to find mine
I guess I should explain that all sides are 2x4 wire with hardware cloth up a couple feet from the bottom. The back is the only solid wall. Actually it is wire but is backed up against the side of a small greenhouse. They have a box inside they can lay in and they roost on the top of the box. In bitter cold (well for Florida) we can put plastic on the sides to break the wind.
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Well I will have to get a pic of my work in progress,
when complete it will have 5 runs with coops 8'X8' 1 run with coop 20X16 and 1 run without coop 16'X16' So far it is a work in progress with 3 of the 8' ones set up, 1 for ducks, 1 for White Face Black Spanish and one grow out pen, the 20'X16' still needs the top but has Marys laying assortment in it. the two other 8'X8' pens will eventualy be for Spanish and Marans and the 16'X16' will be the starter pen for the guinies until they are old enough to free roam then I will probably modify it for Marys Marans or Spanish as the need arises.
We have 2.1 acres so once complete it will give everyone security and pleanty of space!!
Can you explain the materials? Is it wire & then a tarp? Or are those the clear/green roofing panels on the back & the top? What is on the sides?

ETA: Sorry i didn't see your edit before i replied. So what is the top made of? Does everyone agree that you need small wire only on the bottom...2? feet. Or 3? feet.
this is my mom's I will have to find mine
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