She's still alive this morning. She perked up after forcing liquids into her and eats watermelon laced with start n grow. Not standing yet, but I don't feel anything broken. We'll see.
you might want to give an antibotic to avoid a secondary infection I am treating a duckling that got mauled by some drakes and I have been putting duramycin in his water to prevent any infections with chickens my fav is Tylan 50
Yup, I'm giving her Tylan 50. Thanks. She's drinking on her own.
My lovely OE that is fighting wet pox is doing well. After I cleared her air way of the nastiness in there (and treated with listerine) I was able to force feed her some scrambled eggs and Nutridrench vitamins. She's now eating/drinking on her own with some encouragement with yummy treats. Giving her duramycin in her water to help with any infection from scraping around in her mouth.. really hoping she is going to make it. Her color on her face is MUCH better
I know you Floridians will understand this. It's called "Lotsa rain and Palmetto Bugs". I have a tall cabinet out next to the coop which I keep all my tools, and stuff in. Lately , there is Palmetto Poop all over everything!!! It's disgusting how much they poop. And you can also tell where they party-there's massive amounts of poop!

Today I emptied the cabinet (OH Yuk Yuk Yuk!!!!!). They came pouring out. Did you know how well they can fly? Ewwwww. Thank God my girlies were there to gobble them all up. Boy did they have fun. After spraying out the cabinet with a hose (ewwww), I gave everything a good coating of Home Defense. Fingers crossed!!!
Yep, I have heard iodine works well for dry pox but I didn't want to put that in her mouth. Let me just say that taking care of a bird with wet pox is THE most disgusting thing I've ever done.. and this is coming from the woman who was squeezing pus out of a chickens eye a few weeks ago.. YUCK
Good to hear, Jess. Listerine?!? I wouldn't have thought of that, it's prob perfect for the job though!
Yep, I have heard iodine works well for dry pox but I didn't want to put that in her mouth. Let me just say that taking care of a bird with wet pox is THE most disgusting thing I've ever done.. and this is coming from the woman who was squeezing pus out of a chickens eye a few weeks ago.. YUCK

I know you Floridians will understand this. It's called "Lotsa rain and Palmetto Bugs". I have a tall cabinet out next to the coop which I keep all my tools, and stuff in. Lately , there is Palmetto Poop all over everything!!! It's disgusting how much they poop. And you can also tell where they party-there's massive amounts of poop!

Today I emptied the cabinet (OH Yuk Yuk Yuk!!!!!). They came pouring out. Did you know how well they can fly? Ewwwww. Thank God my girlies were there to gobble them all up. Boy did they have fun. After spraying out the cabinet with a hose (ewwww), I gave everything a good coating of Home Defense. Fingers crossed!!!
Yes, this Floridian knows exactly what you mean, and I HATE IT when they fly at you. I take enormous pleasure in watching my chickens eat roaches!!!
Yep, I have heard iodine works well for dry pox but I didn't want to put that in her mouth. Let me just say that taking care of a bird with wet pox is THE most disgusting thing I've ever done.. and this is coming from the woman who was squeezing pus out of a chickens eye a few weeks ago.. YUCK
I dread ever having to do this!

(sorry, BTW for those of you on the FB chicken page that I am on and you have to read double posts about my dogs versus chickens dilemma...)

I spoke to my neighbor tonight, I had to tell him that my dog must go to the vet tomorrow, nothing major but he has to have antibiotics, the ear is swollen to twice normal size and it's very sore. My neighbor's biggest concern was that I was mad at him that this all happened. He values my friendship over his own dog. He said that of course he can't afford it (who can these days?), but give him the bill and he will pay it. He stated that he will kill his dogs himself if this happens again, invited me to shoot his dog if I want to.

I think the chicken will make it. The dog will definitely make it. I'm going to put electric/hot wire up on the fence, really really really hope this doesn't happen again. I could shoot a dog if it was attacking or just attacked my chickens if I had a gun, but I can't just kill a dog a day later. These dogs are part Akita, Japanese hunting dogs, it's really amazing it hasn't happened sooner.

Thank goodness it turned out as well as it did. All of the stories I've read on BYC ended with angry dog owners, not sympathetic ones like mine.

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