Flushes for aiding in toxin removal

CelticOakFarms, If I do the Epsom Salt Flush is that the only water she gets? Or do I offer fresh water during treatment. And can this be used on lead poisoned duck? Oh I have so many questions sorry. I have a rescue duck that keeps falling off balance to the right. Had her x-rayed and blood work done and sadly she has lead paint in her gizzard. Will a flush work on her to remove the paint chips? Any and all info please

Could you please tell me if lead-paint shows up on x-Rays? Trying to figure out what caused one of my ducks demise. Thanks!
Could you please tell me if lead-paint shows up on x-Rays? Trying to figure out what caused one of my ducks demise. Thanks!
I'm so sorry about your loss.
I'm not sure I think blood work would show lead. I think if you called a vet they could tell you and cost.
Could you please tell me if lead-paint shows up on x-Rays? Trying to figure out what caused one of my ducks demise. Thanks!

I had my duck x-rayed and the vet said she had paint chips in her Gizzard. I looked at it realy close and yes I'm sure it shows up. Her gizzard looked like it was glowing in the x-ray. Blood was drawn and sent to lab and came back positive.
Hi all,
Have a young Goose born June 2nd who found and ATE a leaf of Lily of the Valley. Tried to get it out but swallowed it. Started to drink and purged his water. Gave the activated charcoal and also have the mollases flush as recommended in his water bowl. Is doing both OK? seems much better, eating food. Happened 2 hours ago.
Im new here but am desperate for help. My duck found some fruit soaked in alcohol what do i do???! Im sick to my stomach knowing she is ill!!
Hi. After being off posting for a long time due to the omg what next with birds........I have a question about vent gleet. Did worming, Corid, and have been doing Denegard to keep the "MS" stuff at bay. Hens now have sour crop in about half of them. I'm tubing a couple of them and then realized this is widespread due to all the blasted additives you have to use to get them to drink Denegard=fungul overgrowth=sour crop.

With this many will the molasses flush work well enough to use as only drink for them to flush, then add in the monistat individually with plenty electrolytes after the flush? OR will the molasses add to the sour crop etc?

Thank you.
I hope someone can answer these questions even if it's too late, it might help others in the future. Unlike me of course. Who *cough* totally didn't let their goose eat angel's trumpet...gah.

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