Flying / Jumping over the fence w/ cut wings ? Can I put a weigh on a foot to stop it ?


11 Years
Dec 3, 2008
Oroville, Northern California
I have a young 5 mth. old Jersery Giant Roo & a 3 yr. old Austalorp/Brown LeghornX hen
who keep flying up to jump over the fence w/ cut wings ? The fence is approx. 5 ft. tall.

Can I put a weigh on a foot to stop this ?
If you don't do this already you could just trim one wing instead of both so that when it tries to fly out it will loose its balance.
Do your chickens have both wings trimmed or just one? If trimming both wings, this can lead to the birds' wings to be even stronger (since it still has balance - just has to work harder at flight). If you trim just one wing then it has no balance for flight and will sort of just... "helicopter" around.
This sounds crazy,
but it work for me, I had the same problem, so my granddad
told me to hang paper plates or pie pans on the top of the fence about 4 ft apart ,well belive it or not,,it WORKED!!!!

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