Flying with eggs?

I think the airline is not the best place to inquire. It may be too late to do it now, (sorry just seeing this now) but if you will have access to the site while you're there, check back Henry! I'll try to find out from the TSA directly. I have a friend who might be able to help with info, not to make exceptions for anyone! There may be something you can do and I'll try to find out between now and ... when are you returning?
I dont know how long the UPS store is open but they maybe open longer. I dont think they are very nice with package handling though. Something to look at. Are you as excited as I am. I have chicks hatching on the 13th, the show on the 14th and hopefully new wishlist chickies to play with on the 15th.
I have never flown with eggs ...

With that said:

There are different rules for checked baggage vs. carry-on bags. If you are willing to check these in luggage, you're subject to different rules than for cabin carry-on.

If all that fails you, check if there is a postal facility near your destination that accepts "hold for pickup" shipments. You ship the item to yourself at that postal facility under a will-call label.{cfc5d6a0-cf0c-11de-54e4-000000000000}&event=1&view

If you can't do that, see if a UPS facility or UPS Store is near your destination, and see if you can ship to yourself there as "hold for pickup."

I've never shipped eggs this way, but I have had to ship tools and electronics this way when travelling for work. Sometimes it beats hauling stuff through the airport. UPS will cost more, but they'll call your cell phone when the package arrives.
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I'm thinking too that wrapping them well and putting them in your checked baggage would be fine though.... the USPS air ships their stuff don't they? The baggage holds of modern planes are pressurized, just not heated, but I doubt a flight of your length will be too big a deal, and really, it should be fine! I'd risk it myself.
I really do, and as long as they're not $100 eggs, it's worth a try, in the mean time, I sent an e-mail to my friend, hopefully they'll get back to me, I'll post anything I find out as soon as I know.
Both my dad & son have flown with our eggs. We tore the top off an egg carton & wrapped the bottom of the carton & the eggs in bubble wrap. That way the screeners could see what they were and they were secure. Went into the overhead for the flight & no breakage or trouble. Hope this helps.

By the way, both have been in the last few weeks during 'Code Orange' so you shouldn't have any problems. Good luck.

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