Food Agression

I am not offended, rather concerned. The bolded in context of sentence and balance of paragraph proceeding it is the "enlightenment" that should be to dispelled.

My final thoughts we are talking semantics and in my opinion splitting too many hairs. We are way off topic. Let's talk chicken and I offer you the final word on this matter. I hope I didn't incorrectly bold the previous sentence.
"Regardless my curiosity on this topic is sated as they are just born and bred that way and it is passed on through genetics."

I am not offended, rather concerned. The bolded in context of sentence and balance of paragraph proceeding it is the "enlightenment" that should be to dispelled.
Oh reviewing my original post I bolded nothing you chose to bold the content you didn't like or agree with. So a later post I write apologizing for incorrectly bolding content will become nonsense. Really nonsense for you to quote me and change something in the formatting as that was not my original post it was your edit. Talking about shady dealings.

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