Foods You HATED As A Kid, But Like Now


9 Years
May 7, 2010
At My Desk!
Do you have a food(s) that you absolutely hated as a kid but like/love as an adult? I am not referring to foods that you really never tried because you did not like the looks or smell of it (or whatever reason), but foods that you really tried to eat, or were forced to eat and still hated. I hated almost every vegetable, even mashed potatoes, when I was a kid. I always picked the lettuce out of my sandwiches, too, which was never much to begin with. Now, I like them all with the exception of raw, plain carrots, celery and pickled beets. Some foods were a gradual change but others seemed to change overnight.
I liked & ate jellies, jams, & preserves as a kid, but got sick on it at about 10 years old. Haven't touched the stuff in about 43 years.

Hated mushroom soup as a kid, but eat it now.
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Spinach, broccoli, and cabbage. Pretty much the typical veggies that kids hate. Now I can't get enough of them. I think part of the reason was my family was all about the "meat and potatoes" and I was never exposed to very many veggies. I am going to put them in front of my kids as soon as they can chew!
cant say i like anything i didnt as a kid, but now its because i have tried it i always have been a picky eater but really do not like green veg.

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