~Fools Gold~ (A Daring Role Play) Chat Thread

Dunno, just vote

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you guys, you know a table spoon of chia seeds every day for a week gets rid of the keratosis (red bumps on the back of your arms.) Yes it works I tried it with one of my kids.

It does come back if you stop eating the chia seeds though.
Neeeed chia.
I have it on my face too. I would have a perfect complexion if it weren’t for those awful red bumps.
I’ve decided that Amer still went to school and her parents were oblivious of her unusual summer vacation.
I've decided that Sarah's the exact current Sarah except on the run from her parrot-preserving mother and blessed with the ability to bike unlimited distances.
Gary is just Gary with a will to live.

This is Lilac and Lavender btw
now you all know how I feel when I use River
I've decided that Sarah's the exact current Sarah except on the run from her parrot-preserving mother and blessed with the ability to bike unlimited distances.
River is me but with a different name
and you're all getting a taste of how much my friends suffer when I speak in my half-deaf state
also I have a hatred of whispering hmm maybe that's some of it
Gary is just Gary with a will to live.

This is Lilac and Lavender btw
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