~Fools Gold~ (a daring role play)

Kate rolled her eyes.
"Moving a bit fast don't you think?" She muttered into her cup. She gave a quick sigh and changed the subject back to the problem at hand.
"We need to make sure we're ready for this. First off, we're not killing anyone right? And did anyone bring rope? Or are we just going to lock the hostages in a room? They should have access to a bathroom so we don't have to constantly be babysitting them right?"
Kate rolled her eyes.
"Moving a bit fast don't you think?" She muttered into her cup. She gave a quick sigh and changed the subject back to the problem at hand.
"We need to make sure we're ready for this. First off, we're not killing anyone right? And did anyone bring rope? Or are we just going to lock the hostages in a room? They should have access to a bathroom so we don't have to constantly be babysitting them right?"
Roo stepped out of the shadows. "Aren't like, half the people in here actual murderers? I'm not judging, I'm an accomplice to murder. My chicken was the murderer." She said all this very quickly before stepping back to lean against the cold wall of the warehouse. Beane stuck his head in her sleeve.
Kate rolled her eyes.
"Moving a bit fast don't you think?" She muttered into her cup. She gave a quick sigh and changed the subject back to the problem at hand.
"We need to make sure we're ready for this. First off, we're not killing anyone right? And did anyone bring rope? Or are we just going to lock the hostages in a room? They should have access to a bathroom so we don't have to constantly be babysitting them right?"
"Well I for one won't be killing anyone," Bri said. "I'm sure we can find some rope around here. We'll figure the bathroom thingy out."
Roo stepped out of the shadows. "Aren't like, half the people in here actual murderers? I'm not judging, I'm an accomplice to murder. My chicken was the murderer." She said all this very quickly before stepping back to lean against the cold wall of the warehouse. Beane stuck his head in her sleeve.
Kate blinked at Roo, realizing she'd said something that didn't make sense. "Good point." She said sticking her face back into her cup to pretend she didn't just tell a bunch of thieves and murderers not to do the murdering while she helped them do the thieving.
"Well I for one won't be killing anyone," Bri said. "I'm sure we can find some rope around here. We'll figure the bathroom thingy out."
Kate blinked at Roo, realizing she'd said something that didn't make sense. "Good point." She said sticking her face back into her cup to pretend she didn't just tell a bunch of thieves and murderers not to do the murdering while she helped them do the thieving.
"I vote we yeet them overboard." Roo added helpfully.
"Garthgarthgarthgarthgarthgarthgarth," Sary chanted crazily upon seeing who had assaulted her with a dap. "I was gonna hug you, but..." She arched an eyebrow as Lavender started antagonizing Peep in her pocket. "I think Lav's telling me you feel otherwise."
"Naw she's fine, just being terdy.", Gary said plucking Lavvy from Sary's head, then almost tackling her in a hug. "Heh, glad you're here."
Parzoval sat with his head cocked, completely still as he watched the cat, waiting for it to make a move.

"I brought coffee! And other drinks." Haddie called to the stream of people entering. She hugged her fuzzy jacket closer before drawing a long sip of her icy blended drink.
"Oh, thank you! I'm good, though." Fluff replied immediately, on instinct. She was on a mission. Scanning the room, her eyes landed on her target. Arm raising to point, she clearly spoke one singular word.
the unmistakable sound of the mystery material that's on the bottom of tennis shoes rang out through the room at 90 decibels as fluff ran towards the feta cheese connoisseur herself.
Bri smashed the remains of her jar of sauerkraut to get everyone's attention, and then threw her metal fork as far as she could because she was finished with it.
"We are still missing one person, Mystic, but I'm sure she'll be here soon." She glanced around at everyone and their animal accomplices, noting a faint whinnying coming from outside. "Tonight we will organize everything, tomorrow we will board the ship leaving at 10am. We'll round all of the vacationers up, tie up the security guards, staff, and whatnot, and then drop everybody off on the very tip of Florida. There's lovely beach houses there and some nice ice cream and souvenir shops so I'm sure they'll be fine. After that we'll engage retro-reflective panels, turn on the turbo engines, and fly to our island. Just kidding, we'll actually have to steer the boat and there are no retro-reflective panels, sorry. Then we'll live like kings and queens until the end of days. River, did you bring the machine guns and chips?"
"HOLD ON I GOT A QUESTION O FETA ONE" fluff screamed at the top of her lungs. "WHO IS PILOTING THIS HERE LARGE VESSEL"
Roo stepped out of the shadows. "Aren't like, half the people in here actual murderers? I'm not judging, I'm an accomplice to murder. My chicken was the murderer." She said all this very quickly before stepping back to lean against the cold wall of the warehouse. Beane stuck his head in her sleeve.
fluff jumped off her train of thought, completely abandoning the inquiry she made such a scene over. she had never thought about how many people here were so much edgier than her. she didn't even know how she got to be in this group of criminals anyway. edgiest thing she ever did was steal the CEO of pepsi's wifi router and eat it. that was nowhere near as edgy as murder. man. fluff had to step up her game somehow. she was gonna prove her edginess on this boat even if it killed her. some hardcore planning is gonna take place in her brain these next few days.
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"Oh, thank you! I'm good, though." Fluff replied immediately, on instinct. She was on a mission. Scanning the room, her eyes landed on her target. Arm raising to point, she clearly spoke one singular word.
the unmistakable sound of the mystery material that's on the bottom of tennis shoes rang out through the room at 90 decibels as fluff ran towards the feta cheese connoisseur herself.

"HOLD ON I GOT A QUESTION O FETA ONE" fluff screamed at the top of her lungs. "WHO IS PILOTING THIS HERE LARGE VESSEL"

fluff jumped off her train of thought, completely abandoning the inquiry she made such a scene over. she had never thought about how many people here were so much edgier than her. she didn't even know how she got to be in this group of criminals anyway. edgiest thing she ever did was steal the CEO of pepsi's wifi router and eat it. that was nowhere near as edgy as murder. man. fluff had to step up her game somehow. she was gonna prove her edginess on this boat even if it killed her. some hardcore planning is gonna take place in her brain these next few days.
"Eh oh hard can it be?" Bri shrugged. "I can do it. Probably. I can sail a sailboat, which is much more difficult, in my opinion."
Name: Van
Appearance: Nearly, almost, excruciatingly close to 5'10, with dark blue eyes and middle-of-the-back length hair that's only red enough to be considered auburn when it's in the sunlight. Pineapple tank under a burgundy sweatshirt, jeans that are just a little bit too short and I will wear my three inch heeled boots, no matter how inconvenient or uncomfortable they may be for whatever shenanigans we get ourselves into.
Personality: People tend to say I'm sarcastic. Honestly, I'll just portray myself as the story goes on because that's what I do with every single other flipping character I've ever tried to write.
Packing list:
-A nice and sturdy metal blue yoyo with replacement strings
-And a computer
are all stashed in a super stylin' black and pink backpack.
Other: Wanted for the theft of various Starbucks products, which then resulted in the absolute destruction of a few minimum wage baristas.
Username: @van_the_illa

my friends peer pressured me into this, i did my best okay
"Eh oh hard can it be?" Bri shrugged. "I can do it. Probably. I can sail a sailboat, which is much more difficult, in my opinion."
"Oh but this is no sailboat, ms cheese" fluff began, being very expressive with her hands, going so far as to pretend she was using sign language (since she hasnt the slightest clue how sign language works) for double emphasis. "This things got like,, a MOTOR and things,, you know?? at that its an INBOARD MOTOR, and, growing up in Seattle around people who know boats, inboard motors are not fun to deal with. let alone one hooked onto a vessel as big as a yacht. Hey whats the square footage on this thing anyway? How many feet bow to stern?? You know boat lingo? i know boat lingo. im your man."

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