~Fools Gold~ (a daring role play)

Bri pulled out her mop and individually bopped each person on the head and told them to claim square footage of the warehouse for the night.
"C'mon, dude, it isn't even midnight yet." Roo moaned. She attempted to duck to avoid the mop, even going so far as bending her knees to get closer to the ground. But, it was to no avail, as the mighty Mop descended upon her.
Sary shivered in appropriate reverence. "Don't undermine her, man. Don't think it's safe."
Her lone arched eyebrow returned when Abri came a-boppin'. "Wait, is it really bedtime already?" she asked no one in particular. "Wasn't...I...just...eating...cereal?" Her hand turned to point at herself as if by its own will. "...or am I really not that okay."
"Someone must've activated cheats and set the tick speed way high" (MC reference), he looked at the sky and remembered it seemed like day a few minutes ago. "or we just got up late"
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(hehehe, I can work with this.)
When she finally did arrive at Kate's house Mr. Boy opened the door screeching children running rampant in the back ground.

"She's not here. She went to "The warehouse". What ever that means. He then handed her a nintendo switch and told her she could keep it permanently.
Mystic was startled by the sudden welcome and looked down at the switch in her hands, quickly checking the cartridge and hoorahing internally as she saw it was breath of the wild. She peeked behind the man and looked at him with worry "do you need help with the kiddos? Im good with children if you want any help."
Bri pulled out her mop and individually bopped each person on the head and told them to claim square footage of the warehouse for the night.
Kate cringed as the mop moved toward her head. She was going to let it happen, no sense fighting it, but she wasn't going to enjoy being bopped by a questionably clean mop.

"I thought we were making plans. But alright, seat of the pants works for me too." She said shrugging. She didn't know why she'd started to complain, a full night away from the chaos at home was definitely called for night before.
Mystic was startled by the sudden welcome and looked down at the switch in her hands, quickly checking the cartridge and hoorahing internally as she saw it was breath of the wild. She peeked behind the man and looked at him with worry "do you need help with the kiddos? Im good with children if you want any help."
Boy grinned, "Suuuure. Kids! Your moms friend wants you to go on the adventure with them! Get dressed!" He yelled back into the house, he turned back to her and took the Switch back still smiling. "They can't have this. But I can."
(hehehe, I can work with this.)
When she finally did arrive at Kate's house Mr. Boy opened the door screeching children running rampant in the back ground.

"She's not here. She went to "The warehouse". What ever that means. He then handed her a nintendo switch and told her she could keep it permanently.
(This post is strangely hilarious to me XD)
"Well, I can drive a car," Bri countered. "Just steer the ship from point A to point B. Or you could drive it. Oh I don't know how big exactly, but it's big. When we get on we'll find a ruler and you can measure it if you want to."
"well alright brie cheese, whatever you say. But if you need mechanical help, you know where to find me" fluff walked away backwards doing finger guns.
Bri pulled out her mop and individually bopped each person on the head and told them to claim square footage of the warehouse for the night.
a good ol boppin was served to fluff's head that contained her small brain. she claimed square footage right next to gary, sary, and van if van ever got accepted because i wasnt paying attention and im too lazy to go a page back. fluff watched in awe at the dap activities going on,,
the daptivities
Great. We're going to ship a relationship on a ship. Roo thought, not moving from her hopefully inconspicuous position in the shadows. Despite being hidden, she still felt like she was being watched, and started to mess with her shirt sleeve.
Meanwhile, Chonk tackled the dragon.
Parzival flopped over like a rag doll as the cat tackled him, then immediately started wrestling with him. Parzival used many dog tactics as he tabled the turns on Chonk, teasing him mercilessly.
"Well I for one won't be killing anyone," Bri said. "I'm sure we can find some rope around here. We'll figure the bathroom thingy out."
Gail wrinkled her nose. "That's a whole lot of trouble to go to for a bunch of rich buttholes."
"I vote we yeet them overboard." Roo added helpfully.
Gail nodded enthusiastically, pointing at her. "I like this one."

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