~Fools Gold~ (a daring role play)

“I totally agree,” Amer said. “And just so we are clear, I won’t need any weapons.” She snapped her fingers, and four bristling flamingos appeared at her feed bag bedside. “I’ve got a small fleet of weaponized Mediterranean flamingos on my side. There will be no need.” The flamingos saluted before disappearing back into the shadows.
“Ooh,” Bri admired her smol fleet. “Very impressive.”
Chonk tried to eat him. His hunger was endless. And indiscriminate.
‘Hey, I was fighting you, I’m not a mouse,’ Shiloh hissed and ran away. Shiloh thought of himself as a finesse athlete, having raced Snowbelle up the stairs only yesterday.
Getting eaten by his opponent put a great damper on his pride.
‘Hey, I was fighting you, I’m not a mouse,’ Shiloh hissed and ran away. Shiloh thought of himself as a finesse athlete, having raced Snowbelle up the stairs only yesterday.
Getting eaten by his opponent put a great damper on his pride.
'You have too much fur for one,' Chonk agreed, 'I bet you're a..' His face brightened, 'sheep.'
'You have too much fur for one,' Chonk agreed, 'I bet you're a..' His face brightened, 'sheep.'
Shiloh brightened from this observation. ‘That’s right,’ he said. ‘I am wooly like a sheep. They should shear me.’
He began licking his long, thick fur.
Bri broke out the shears and her knitting needles. “Imma make a SHILOH SWEATER.”
Kate assists by carding and spinning the unending kitty wool supply, so Bri has enough.
Bri furiously knits a sweater and puts it on Shiloh. She uses the extra to make socks for everyone.
Shiloh plopped on the ground once he was done being sheared. As each bit of fur was sheared, it grew back instantly. He began attacking the sweater, because he did not like wearing clothes, even clothes that came in such a stylish shade.
“Thanks for the socks,” Amer said. They finished the ensemble which consisted of a cow onsie. “Now I’m ready for bed.” Shiloh fur was one of the softest materials on earth, second only to chincheeeeeaaaaa.
The second Amer put them on, her eyelids immediately got heavy. “Wake me up when it’s morning...” she said, lying on the feedbags. And thus, Abri successfully put her to sleep.
No wonder cats could sleep basically anywhere.
It didn't alert me of this!

Name: Lauren
Appearance: 15 and a half, barely 5'1", thin. Pale, freckled, light acne, permanently pink nose and cheeks from scarring. Brown-eyed, with thick, side-parted, bra-strap-length brown hair that's just not wavy enough to be considered curly. This is fluffy when dry and is tucked behind her ears or in a braid or half-up. Dislikes her nose and thinks it's a little too big. Wears scuffed, faded dark blue converse, high waisted lighter wash jeans, and a colorful cropped sweater/t-shirt. Can't run fast.
Personality: TBD :)
Packing list:
  • Several pairs of earbuds (she always manages to break them the first week of use)
  • An enormous, fuzzy, XL hoodie that engulfs her and is extremely comfortable
  • A knife and a taser
  • A family-size pack of skittles (not the sour ones)
  • Her laptop
  • Her phone
This is all inside a big blue backpack and a medium crocheted crossbody bag.
Other: Doesn't quite understand the concept of Time Passing™ yet, always late, loves big dogs and music. She can swing dance, a quite useless skill in 2020. A wanted pickpocket, good at sneaking. Can't run fast. Loves cool old glass bottles and sturdy boxes.
Username: Thing2LovesChickens
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