~Fools Gold~ (a daring role play)

It didn't alert me of this!

Name: Lauren
Appearance: 15 and a half, barely 5'1", thin. Pale, freckled, light acne, permanently pink nose and cheeks from scarring. Brown-eyed, with thick, side-parted, bra-strap-length brown hair that's just not wavy enough to be considered curly. This is fluffy when dry and is tucked behind her ears or in a braid or half-up. Dislikes her nose and thinks it's a little too big. Wears scuffed, faded dark blue converse, high waisted lighter wash jeans, and a colorful cropped sweater/t-shirt. Can't run fast.
Personality: TBD :)
Packing list:
  • Several pairs of earbuds (she always manages to break them the first week of use)
  • An enormous, fuzzy, XL hoodie that engulfs her and is extremely comfortable
  • A knife and a taser
  • A family-size pack of skittles (not the sour ones)
  • Her laptop
  • Her phone
This is all inside a big blue backpack and a medium crocheted crossbody bag.
Other: Doesn't quite understand the concept of Time Passing™ yet, always late, loves big dogs and music. She can swing dance, a quite useless skill in 2020. A wanted pickpocket, good at sneaking. Can't run fast. Loves cool old glass bottles and sturdy boxes.
Username: Thing2LovesChickens
(I dislike my nose as well, also, sour skittles are the only good kind!)
It didn't alert me of this!

Name: Lauren
Appearance: 15 and a half, barely 5'1", thin. Pale, freckled, light acne, permanently pink nose and cheeks from scarring. Brown-eyed, with thick, side-parted, bra-strap-length brown hair that's just not wavy enough to be considered curly. This is fluffy when dry and is tucked behind her ears or in a braid or half-up. Dislikes her nose and thinks it's a little too big. Wears scuffed, faded dark blue converse, high waisted lighter wash jeans, and a colorful cropped sweater/t-shirt. Can't run fast.
Personality: TBD :)
Packing list:
  • Several pairs of earbuds (she always manages to break them the first week of use)
  • An enormous, fuzzy, XL hoodie that engulfs her and is extremely comfortable
  • A knife and a taser
  • A family-size pack of skittles (not the sour ones)
  • Her laptop
  • Her phone
This is all inside a big blue backpack and a medium crocheted crossbody bag.
Other: Doesn't quite understand the concept of Time Passing™ yet, always late, loves big dogs and music. She can swing dance, a quite useless skill in 2020. A wanted pickpocket, good at sneaking. Can't run fast. Loves cool old glass bottles and sturdy boxes.
Username: Thing2LovesChickens
Added to member page! :D
“WAKE UP!” Bri screeched. She gathered her stuff up, and then blew her air horn for a while. She wanted the tune to sound like “Amazing Grace” because that was the first song she had thought of, but instead it sounded like a dying seagull. She stopped blowing the air horn and threw it out the window, where it landed on someone’s large straw hat. They didn’t notice so Bri cackled to herself and then forgot all about it and kept gathering random items she found and throwing them at her companions.
“WAKE UP!” Bri screeched. She gathered her stuff up, and then blew her air horn for a while. She wanted the tune to sound like “Amazing Grace” because that was the first song she had thought of, but instead it sounded like a dying seagull. She stopped blowing the air horn and threw it out the window, where it landed on someone’s large straw hat. They didn’t notice so Bri cackled to herself and then forgot all about it and kept gathering random items she found and throwing them at her companions.
Amer woke up and tore off the oppressive Shiloh socks.
“Whaaaat?” she moaned. Amer was not a morning person.
Amer’s socks bounced off of Shiloh, who woke up and mustered another assault against his gorgeous sweater.
“WAKE UP!” Bri screeched. She gathered her stuff up, and then blew her air horn for a while. She wanted the tune to sound like “Amazing Grace” because that was the first song she had thought of, but instead it sounded like a dying seagull. She stopped blowing the air horn and threw it out the window, where it landed on someone’s large straw hat. They didn’t notice so Bri cackled to herself and then forgot all about it and kept gathering random items she found and throwing them at her companions.
Kate scowled at the noise maker. Opening a black hole next to her with a point of her finger.
“WAKE UP!” Bri screeched. She gathered her stuff up, and then blew her air horn for a while. She wanted the tune to sound like “Amazing Grace” because that was the first song she had thought of, but instead it sounded like a dying seagull. She stopped blowing the air horn and threw it out the window, where it landed on someone’s large straw hat. They didn’t notice so Bri cackled to herself and then forgot all about it and kept gathering random items she found and throwing them at her companions.
Lucy blinked rubbing her eyes sleepily. “Can’t I have another hour?” She moaned
“WAKE UP!” Bri screeched. She gathered her stuff up, and then blew her air horn for a while. She wanted the tune to sound like “Amazing Grace” because that was the first song she had thought of, but instead it sounded like a dying seagull. She stopped blowing the air horn and threw it out the window, where it landed on someone’s large straw hat. They didn’t notice so Bri cackled to herself and then forgot all about it and kept gathering random items she found and throwing them at her companions.
River gave a non-sensible sound that slowly escalated to nearly a growling-scream as she was suddenly awoken as a book was tossed square in her vulnerable face.
She was forcefully ripped from her bad dreams, sitting up ridged with baggy eyes that simply stated exhaustion and a waiting explosion of sleep deprived sassiness. She then proceeded to hop up, glowering at Abri. I need coffee. I need lotsa coffee. Right now. Just give coffee and I'll be happy. "Seriously considering murder, about now." She croaked, voice still weak from sleep.
Bri heeded not the cries of her fellow criminals, but she did break out the coffee, arranging 4849 mugs for them to choose from (she’s found them in a crate in the warehouse).
Amer grabbed a grumpy cat mug, which said, “Go away.” Shiloh felt absolutely betrayed, and cried into the coffee in a mug that said:

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