~Fools Gold~ (a daring role play)

Lauren cracked open the warehouse doors enough to slip inside, lighting up at the sight of her friends. “I’m here!” She announced, throwing down her heavy backpack gleefully. “How’s it going?”
“Hey Lauren!” Amer explained. She sipped peppermint tea out of the Grumpy Cat mug.
Bri heeded not the cries of her fellow criminals, but she did break out the coffee, arranging 4849 mugs for them to choose from (she’s found them in a crate in the warehouse).
River stumbled over to the cups, followed by overly bouncy Malchi, Hoss, and Winston. She gingerly selected a cup that said 'Many Nopes I Have' before glaring around their vicinity for some coffee to fill it with.
When she saw the pot Abri brought, silently stepping over and filled it, before putting whipping cream in it and stevia from her backpack. She glanced at Abri, giving a small nod and smile. "Thanks, bro."
Kate reluctantly rolled off her giant stack of pillows and made her way to the mugs. She raised an eye brow at the large collection of mugs all with unique writing on them. She didn't care what was written on it. A mug was a mug, shape and weight was what mattered. The square ones though cool looking were useless and just spilled everything everywhere. Same with the wide bottomed, narrow topped mugs.

She frowned at the odd behavior she was exhibiting no one else was being so choosy. They picked one simply based on the whimsical phrase on the side. She wished, looking at their mugs with hot drinks steaming in the cool morning air, longingly for a brief moment, that she could be so carefree about which mug would do. But that was not her fate. She was doomed to either spend her time choosing the perfect mug, or be disappointed with her drink because it cooled too quickly, or stayed hot for too long, had a metallic or plastic taste, there was too much or too little. She browsed through the collection set out on the floor, finally picking up an ugly brown ceramic mug with a glossy finish. The words written on the side, spoke to her. As though her overly caring husband had written it himself. "Understand that you're having your house raided by the police, and remember to eat." Kate smirked at the quirky sentiment, wrapping her fingers around the cool glass, and headed over to the steaming coffee pot. She poured it slowly into the mug so she wouldn't spill it, smelling the rich flavours and then made her way over to the rest of the group who were sitting around on the floor. Carefully sitting herself cross-legged on the floor.

"Mornin." She said a small secretive smile crossing her face. She'd only begun greeting people with 'mornin' after a character she'd played for a very short time had done it. And now it reminded her of days long discussions over what people used to use for soap how often pots and pans would be washed while travelling, and what would be the most efficient way to prepare food for a large group of people with little access to fresh water.

"I'm not the cook." She blurted out randomly, looking up at the others with surprise at her own statement. Smiling sheepishly for interrupting and took a quick sip of her coffee before returning her gaze back to the floor.
Kate reluctantly rolled off her giant stack of pillows and made her way to the mugs. She raised an eye brow at the large collection of mugs all with unique writing on them. She didn't care what was written on it. A mug was a mug, shape and weight was what mattered. The square ones though cool looking were useless and just spilled everything everywhere. Same with the wide bottomed, narrow topped mugs.

She frowned at the odd behavior she was exhibiting no one else was being so choosy. They picked one simply based on the whimsical phrase on the side. She wished, looking at their mugs with hot drinks steaming in the cool morning air, longingly for a brief moment, that she could be so carefree about which mug would do. But that was not her fate. She was doomed to either spend her time choosing the perfect mug, or be disappointed with her drink because it cooled too quickly, or stayed hot for too long, had a metallic or plastic taste, there was too much or too little. She browsed through the collection set out on the floor, finally picking up an ugly brown ceramic mug with a glossy finish. The words written on the side, spoke to her. As though her overly caring husband had written it himself. "Understand that you're having your house raided by the police, and remember to eat." Kate smirked at the quirky sentiment, wrapping her fingers around the cool glass, and headed over to the steaming coffee pot. She poured it slowly into the mug so she wouldn't spill it, smelling the rich flavours and then made her way over to the rest of the group who were sitting around on the floor. Carefully sitting herself cross-legged on the floor.

"Mornin." She said a small secretive smile crossing her face. She'd only begun greeting people with 'mornin' after a character she'd played for a very short time had done it. And now it reminded her of days long discussions over what people used to use for soap how often pots and pans would be washed while travelling, and what would be the most efficient way to prepare food for a large group of people with little access to fresh water.

"I'm not the cook." She blurted out randomly, looking up at the others with surprise at her own statement. Smiling sheepishly for interrupting and took a quick sip of her coffee before returning her gaze back to the floor.
Bri spit out her tea (can't stand coffee). "What do you mean you're not the cook??" Bri wondered who else was going to cook. She loved mac and cheese, which she assumed all moms know how to make. "I can't make mac and cheese," she stated simply.
Bri spit out her tea (can't stand coffee). "What do you mean you're not the cook??" Bri wondered who else was going to cook. She loved mac and cheese, which she assumed all moms know how to make. "I can't make mac and cheese," she stated simply.
Kate grinned barely able to believe that Bri couldn't cook even that. "Oh, that's easy. Of course you can. I'll show you how." She said, instantly regretting volunteering to cook at all, she knew if she did it even once it would be her job permanently. She sighed accepting that she'd likely end up being the cook so why try to fight it. "Fine I'll cook. But some one else is washing the dishes." Cooking wasn't the problem anyway, it was being responsible for choosing what to cook.
Kate grinned barely able to believe that Bri couldn't cook even that. "Oh, that's easy. Of course you can. I'll show you how." She said, instantly regretting volunteering to cook at all, she knew if she did it even once it would be her job permanently. She sighed accepting that she'd likely end up being the cook so why try to fight it. "Fine I'll cook. But some one else is washing the dishes." Cooking wasn't the problem anyway, it was being responsible for choosing what to cook.
Bri shook her head. “Once my sister and I tried to make it without directions. We had no idea how to use the powdered cheese and it was a total disaster AND the noodles were undercooked. And we REALLY wanted Mac and cheese that day.” (True sorry btw guys).

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