for newbie duck owners like me (care sheet for ducks)

I'm emailing you my cell #!!!

Got your cell #. I'll keep you updated. They get orderes of chicks all year long, up until the end of september. I'm even thinking about getting a little part-time job down there this summer, so then I'll know exactly when the chicks come in and me and you will get first dibs.

That's, well, PERFECT!!! LOL. If it were a little closer to me I'd consider it myself for the summer. I didn't realize they'd get chicks and ducklings more than once. That does put a different spin on it.
I'm going to take a ride down there either tomorrow or Friday!

Can't go tomorrow, but Friday is a definite possibility (studied oxymorons with the sixth graders today). Any chance you want to meet? I have to be at church at some point to help with some setting up but I'm not 100% sure when.
nope didn't go today..going tomorrow. hopefully in the morning! I'll let you know, and I watch for any khakis. Normally they keep the chicks in the outside barns with heat lamps so they probably won't be inside. I'll keep you updated!
nope didn't go today..going tomorrow. hopefully in the morning! I'll let you know, and I watch for any khakis. Normally they keep the chicks in the outside barns with heat lamps so they probably won't be inside. I'll keep you updated!

Oh man, with this wind!!! Brrr. I have to be somewhere at 10 so I won't be able to go until the morning. I will pm you my cell number again so you can call me if they have khakis, please? I have to invent a reason to go back down there. We have plenty of chick feed and all other supplies. Sigh..... thinking thinking
nope didn't go today..going tomorrow. hopefully in the morning! I'll let you know, and I watch for any khakis. Normally they keep the chicks in the outside barns with heat lamps so they probably won't be inside. I'll keep you updated!

Oh man, with this wind!!! Brrr. I have to be somewhere at 10 so I won't be able to go until the morning. I will pm you my cell number again so you can call me if they have khakis, please? I have to invent a reason to go back down there. We have plenty of chick feed and all other supplies. Sigh..... thinking thinking

The wind is horrible here too, it's blowing down everything. And I don't think the chickens like it either. I lost 1 more chick from MMH and one was in the corner, cold and hard and I picked it up and it's so sad to watch them just die. I have your cell, and will deffiently call if they have any! Maybe you can say you need some chick grit, or oyster shell, or want to buy some of their eggs
The wind took the kiddie pool for the ducks and whipped it into our neighbors yard. I am 6 days away from some duck babies. I am so nervous. I never hatched ducks and scared that they wont hatch. I might also take up the offer on those chicken eggs with some duck eggs.

Would you have any polish availible? Thank you
6 days....
I've got my fingers crossed for you, Stevie

Just for the record, these ducklings are very resilient; I have managed to kill every chicken baby from this batch, but all three ducklings are still alive and well

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