for newbie duck owners like me (care sheet for ducks)

Thank you graceful. Your ducks are so cute! That gives some hope for me. I am scared that the room temp spray will chill the eggs and kill them. I think of the smallest things that will hurt them as you can see. I know on hatch day we will see what happens though.
I can tell right now that you are going to be a great "mommy" (daddy)
Thanks. I keep looking at your duck eggs in the BST area and its killing me. Baack and forth, back and forth. 3 days now I been looking at that ad.
Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to "tempt" you :aww
How about you just give me a date that you would like eggs on (it could even be a long time from now, if you needed) and a number for how many you want. I'll put you on my egg-list, and no more worries for you making rash decisions
I am thinking june if my mom will let me. i have to ask her first as I have lots of eggs comming in. Somebody on here did something to me. I have to find the enabler. I was only hatching eggs once or twice a year. now its every month.

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Oh man, with this wind!!! Brrr. I have to be somewhere at 10 so I won't be able to go until the morning. I will pm you my cell number again so you can call me if they have khakis, please? I have to invent a reason to go back down there. We have plenty of chick feed and all other supplies. Sigh..... thinking thinking

The wind is horrible here too, it's blowing down everything. And I don't think the chickens like it either. I lost 1 more chick from MMH and one was in the corner, cold and hard and I picked it up and it's so sad to watch them just die. I have your cell, and will deffiently call if they have any! Maybe you can say you need some chick grit, or oyster shell, or want to buy some of their eggs

Thanks. We did all that stuff last week unfortunately. Anyway, the stomach bug that was going around school last week seems to have caught up with me. I was not a happy camper last night. Duckies might have to wait even it they do get what I want. : (
The polish just started laying so there is a possibility that there will be some polish, most likely pure bred silver laced polish too, we also have buff laced, and golden laced. We also have a frizzle that mates with the polish so you could get some polish frizzle, that would be interesting. But the ducks have been laying like crazy, the chickens too, so you'll get lots of extras.
The wind is horrible here too, it's blowing down everything. And I don't think the chickens like it either. I lost 1 more chick from MMH and one was in the corner, cold and hard and I picked it up and it's so sad to watch them just die. I have your cell, and will deffiently call if they have any! Maybe you can say you need some chick grit, or oyster shell, or want to buy some of their eggs

Thanks. We did all that stuff last week unfortunately. Anyway, the stomach bug that was going around school last week seems to have caught up with me. I was not a happy camper last night. Duckies might have to wait even it they do get what I want. : (

I went to Salem today. I asked if they had any khakis in and the lady said nope not yet, but there is another lady that wants them i'm thinking, hmmm i wonder who that could be. Didn't get any chicks today either so I'm not sure what kind they had, didn't even get to look at them, I went right before they closed. Hope you feel better soon, I had the stomach flu for a week and couple weeks ago, it was horrible. Get better soon!
The polish just started laying so there is a possibility that there will be some polish, most likely pure bred silver laced polish too, we also have buff laced, and golden laced. We also have a frizzle that mates with the polish so you could get some polish frizzle, that would be interesting. But the ducks have been laying like crazy, the chickens too, so you'll get lots of extras.

thank you very much

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