For Sale: 12 "Mystery Chick" Eggs, NPIP certified: Missouri


Can't Decide
11 Years
Mar 5, 2008
$20 shipped, paypal [email protected]

12 mixed breed hatching eggs. These eggs are from the following breeds:

Rhode island red
New hampshire red
Buff orp
black australorp
Salmon favorolle
Silver phoenix
White leghorns
White rocks

Buff Orpington
Barred Rock

Although there is no way to tell which rooster fertilized the eggs, I can send eggs from a specific breed of hen. This is limited to my ability to tell the difference between the many different colors and variety of eggs my chickens lay.

My Ameraucana hen does not lay green or blue eggs! I do not know at this point if my rooster carries the colored egg gene, I won't know until the chicks I just hatched lay colored eggs.

Please specify if you would like eggs from a certain breed. For example, if you would like eggs from a Buff Orpington, the resulting chicks will be a mix between Buff Orpington and one of the 4 roosters listed above. I have more of certain breeds than others, so depending on what breed you're requesting I may not be able to comprise the entire order from just one breed (example: I only have 1 Salmon Faverolle, so to get a dozen plus extras I'd have to save eggs for almost a month, which equals old eggs).

I ship eggs in either the medium priority box or the medium flat rate box, whichever will be cheaper for my customers. I ALWAYS INCLUDE SEVERAL EXTRA EGGS!

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