FOR SALE/WANTED Stockton CA Pacific Poultry Breeders Show 1/28 - 1/29

Jeremy so did I . One was a Silkie and I just can't remember what the other was......Cochin maybe?

I'm trying to come up with a better pen for these Phoenix! Man that bird has a long tail.

Jean, my little Lavern is laying a pretty blue egg! I love this girl so much. I have another Lav pullet and she's a half shade darker, but not as big or pretty, well she's pretty, but Lavern is just elegant. Putting her eggs in the bator today. Hope she wasn't around the other roos enough, but I can always sell EEs until they're pure again if that's needed.

OK time for rabbits now.

OH and Kelsey, you're Bill reminds me of my Bill more all the time. "No chickens!" "Not that chicken!" "Oh I want this rooster!" LOL I think it's hospital fumes. He was so cute with those Polish. I know my Bill thought I was nuts back when I raised them, but could be caught sitting out back watching and laughing. LOL
Jeremy so did I . One was a Silkie and I just can't remember what the other was......Cochin maybe?

I'm trying to come up with a better pen for these Phoenix! Man that bird has a long tail.

Jean, my little Lavern is laying a pretty blue egg! I love this girl so much. I have another Lav pullet and she's a half shade darker, but not as big or pretty, well she's pretty, but Lavern is just elegant. Putting her eggs in the bator today. Hope she wasn't around the other roos enough, but I can always sell EEs until they're pure again if that's needed.

OK time for rabbits now.

OH and Kelsey, you're Bill reminds me of my Bill more all the time. "No chickens!" "Not that chicken!" "Oh I want this rooster!" LOL I think it's hospital fumes. He was so cute with those Polish. I know my Bill thought I was nuts back when I raised them, but could be caught sitting out back watching and laughing. LOL

I know we've said this a million times, but it must be something with the name, or Murses (Male/Nurses) LOL! Bill asks every night that his baby's made it to the coop alright, but he's never admit to that! HA!
As if I didn't spend enough in Stockton, it seems that it has thrown me back into a Spending on poultry Frenzie again, and I was doing so good after the Hatching 12 step program

Bill doesn't know this yet, but today alone I bought 2 Emu Eggs (but they are for his birthday, they should hatch right around that time), which meant that I needed a new incubator, as mine is filled with the eggs I brought home from all you wonderful people, so I bought a used Brinsea Octogon 20, Then I finally lost the Silkie battle I have fought for 3 years.... Bought 18+ Silkie eggs.... GAH! Somebody Stop Me!

The good news is that I am now out of spending money until next Friday.... The bad news is.... I'm now out of spending MOney until next friday, LMBO!
As if I didn't spend enough in Stockton, it seems that it has thrown me back into a Spending on poultry Frenzie again, and I was doing so good after the Hatching 12 step program

Bill doesn't know this yet, but today alone I bought 2 Emu Eggs (but they are for his birthday, they should hatch right around that time), which meant that I needed a new incubator, as mine is filled with the eggs I brought home from all you wonderful people, so I bought a used Brinsea Octogon 20, Then I finally lost the Silkie battle I have fought for 3 years.... Bought 18+ Silkie eggs.... GAH! Somebody Stop Me!

The good news is that I am now out of spending money until next Friday.... The bad news is.... I'm now out of spending MOney until next friday, LMBO!

hmmmm And both our names start with a K. Could mean something. LOL EMU? You got some? I'm so not talking to you now. LOL
K's and B's just must be meant for eachother

Yah, but I spent way to much for them, and now Bill has me all worried, because they are coming all the way from Kansas.... But I figure if Chicken eggs can make it, Emus should be able to... Those things have to be rougher on their eggs than chickens are...

Quote:Originally Posted by pips&peeps
I just wanted to remind everyone that purchased birds at the show to QUARANTINE!!!!!

X2. I saw some not so healthy looking birds in that sale barn.

I saw some in the show that bothered me.... favs with puffy eyes & twitchy heads. What could that be?

I missed the ones in the sale barn. Lots of handwashing for me, and I sprayed my shoes when I got home.

The little sale barn birds I got for a friend are up by the house, & go to their new home tomorrow. They come from a reputable breeder with a closed flock, so...

PS. Jean how long do you quarantine? And how far away?

I saw some in the show that bothered me.... favs with puffy eyes & twitchy heads. What could that be?

I missed the ones in the sale barn. Lots of handwashing for me, and I sprayed my shoes when I got home.

The little sale barn birds I got for a friend are up by the house, & go to their new home tomorrow. They come from a reputable breeder with a closed flock, so...

PS. Jean how long do you quarantine? And how far away?
I feel like there was one LF brahma that was rally buggin me. I made mark stay away from its cage. I didnt see any sick birds in the sale barn either but i only chcked out the birds friday night, saturday was such a zoo that i made it four feet in, grabbed the silkies, nd never made it any farther!
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