For the new folks that haven't experienced a molt yet.

My Dominique is not loving it.
Can a chicken molt at 10 months? I have 6 girls & my Welsummer is the only one losing feathers.. This morning as I was cleaning the coop 2 big feathers which looked like tail feathers were in there.. She also hasn't laid in 2 weeks....combs are all red on mine... The rest are laying good
Can a chicken molt at 10 months? I have 6 girls & my Welsummer is the only one losing feathers.. This morning as I was cleaning the coop 2 big feathers which looked like tail feathers were in there.. She also hasn't laid in 2 weeks....combs are all red on mine... The rest are laying good

Yes, all of my welsummers are in molt, including the 3 pullets. My spring hatched welsummer pullets always seem to molt in the fall. It won't be a major molt, but enough to disrupt laying for a while.
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My beautiful Black Australorp going through her first molt...she is so sad as she has always been the most beautiful in the coop she says. She really does look much worse in person, I couldn't quite capture it, she didn't want any pictures taken...she has asked that I post a before picture of her also.

My Chickens are molting for the first time! I think it's a weird timing of year for molting. One of my chicken has a bareback and it's getting cold here. I hope she makes it through the winter.
My beautiful Black Australorp going through her first molt...she is so sad as she has always been the most beautiful in the coop she says. She really does look much worse in person, I couldn't quite capture it, she didn't want any pictures taken...she has asked that I post a before picture of her also.

She will be pretty again soon.
Thank you SO much for posting this picture...been in tears for a couple days thinking Lucy was on her way to the big coop in the sky!:bow

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