For those with Show Dogs

That is an excellent way to have your dog participate in some really fun events. Good luck with all of that. Our next step with Liam is for his JH.

I'll post pictures of him if I can. I don't have a scanner, but maybe I can wing it with a picture of a picture or something.
I remember my parents showing rough Collies and its hard work getting a championship. And my uncle who raised Newfoundlands (BearTraxx) and they were doing well until they got a divorce. They had GOOD dogs!

Well I took some pictures of his show pics. These are not the ones taken yesterday, but from past shows.


This one is from his first Major in Montana:


This last pic is from when he was a puppy. This was his very first point:


The gal in all the photos is his breeder. She was just as happy as I was yesterday.
congrats. Do I smell a steak dinner for the dog? I don't want to hijack [sp] this thread but can a jounior handler get the championship pionts on a dog for some one else and not own the dog?
Big congratulations! I've been there, so I know how it feels, both to hunt down that major for what seems like forever and to finally win it.

To gaited horse - anyone can show any dog for championship points in conformation. You don't have to be the owner unless the dog is entered in bred by exhibitor. For junior showmanship, the junior or someone in their household needs to own the dog.
Thank you Ewesheep. Liams second name is Pigpen. He is happiest running around the yard and sticking those long ears into anything gross that he can find. I love to see him just be a dog. I really adore seeing him in a bird field at a hunt test doing what comes naturally, he comes back from his "hunting" all covered in sticks and dead grass but he is so happy. Keeping him in full coat is very difficult, that's another reason I'm so happy he finished, the pressure is

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