Forgot to move eggs to the hatcher....OOPS


9 Years
Sep 16, 2010
Arp, Texas
I was checking on a set of chicken eggs that are hatching this evening when I heard that weird little whistle that we all know. There was plenty of chick chirps coming from the hatcher, but this was a whistle. I looked into the incubator and there was a peafowl egg pipping. I checked my chart that is kept right beside the incubator and hatcher. Sure enough, I should have moved the peafowl eggs yesterday to the hatcher.

I took the three peafowl eggs that were supposed to be moved yesterday and checked them. Sure enough, all three were starting to make that little whistle sound. Only one had started to pip. They are not due to hatch until Thursday evening. I guess they forgot to look at the chart too.

I will keep everyone posted on how they hatch. I have three or four eggs due to hatch every week for about the next three weeks. I thought that they were a little late in the season when I set them, but they all seem to be developing just fine.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

Ernie Haire
Arp, Texas
Don't be surprse , if they hatch early, have hear alot of the southern state breeders have them hatch at 26 days
Well the fist egg has hatched and the second one is pipping away. I am not too surprised that they have started to hatch. I will move the next set of eggs earlier.

The surprise is that these eggs are out of a pen with two IB hens that are obviously split to Pied or White because they have white in the wings, an IB hen, and what I thought was an IB peacock. This little peachick is very Pied. My peacock must have some Pied breeding hidden. This is the fist set of eggs that we have hatched out of this pen. Who knows, I am happy.

I did buy a Silver Pied peacock a couple of weeks ago to put my split peahens with this fall. Right now, he is living by himself. I know that he has not bred any of my peahens. I thought that breeding season was over so I have not moved any of my breeders into their new pens.


Photos would be wonderful when ya get them out.
All three eggs have hatched. We have one busy Pied peachick, and two IB peachicks. They are still in the hatcher so I have not been able to take a good luck. I will let everyone know if we have white wing feathers on the two IBs as soon as I get them out of the hatcher. I really wish that I knew how to post pictures on here.

Ernie Haire
Arp, Texas
is it best to move the eggs when they are hatching? cuz i just went out today to find a dead peachick away from my setting hen (peahen) but i can hear peeps.
what should i do?

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