Foster Parents/ Adoption

The thought of tornados freaks me out! Earthquake, whatever... No big deal! Tornado.... AHHHH! I'm sure it might not be as scary when you live where it happens and know what to do, but to me it sounds scary.
Aww, thanks @Alice28 yeah we were fortunate the storm missed us but it hit like an hour away and there are at least 16 confirmed dead and so many have lost a lot... then there are jerks looting SMH
How much do they work with you. I mean "their manic schedule"? Do they not schedule things around you, I feel like they kinda should since your taking a child in and caring for it for FREE... the money they provide isn't always enough to even pay for the childs expenses..

They will use and abuse you if you let them. I always requested a copy of the kids birth certificate and social security card and made all the appointments that were required and any that I thought was important and informed the case manager after. This did two things, first the appointment was around my schedule and second it insured that the child would be taken care of because a lot of times caseworkers forget until they are being reviewed. When we first started we did everything even the visits with the birth parents and by the end we did very little except what we would do for our children. We always did every appointment and surgeries, I scheduled them and informed the case manager. We did not do birth parent visits or even the required court toward the end. If it was absolutely required we would go and they would let us meet the judge and leave before court time. Towards the end of our fostering we had 7 children and about 12 regular appointments monthly, not including regular check ups or school meetings. I just told the case worker we could not sit at court all day and if she wanted to pick up the children and bring them back home she could. I needed at least 2 weeks notice and I would let her know if I could do it or not. When I was able to go to court it always took all day and I just let the case worker know I had to go, so they would get us into say hello to the judge and we would be on our way. Hope this helps. You will learn the important things to do and what the case worker needs to do with experience. Good Luck
Aww, thanks @Alice28
 yeah we were fortunate the storm missed us but it hit like an hour away and there are at least 16 confirmed dead and so many have lost a lot... then there are jerks looting SMH

So sad! I can't believe some people would see somthing so horrible and see it as an opening to steel :( I'm glad you guys are fine though.
I know there haven't been any posts on here for awhile, but my husband and I went to foster care orientation yesterday. Most of it seemed fairly straight forward, and the same stuff I had to do for the daycare.... Just more hours of classes. The only stressful thing is the whole fenceing that has to be put up for are tiny little duck "pond". It has to be done for te daycare anyways, or ducks just won't have it full during the day, but for foster care we would have to do a fence or are ducks wouldn't ever have a place to swim. All the fence regulations are pretty over the top. For the daycare they want me to get a certified pool fence, an alarm for my windows and more, but finding a five foot tall certified pool fence and getting it shipped is really spendy ad my husband can build the exact same thing. So right now we are figuring that out and setting up times to take the classes we have to take.
I know there haven't been any posts on here for awhile, but my husband and I went to foster care orientation yesterday. Most of it seemed fairly straight forward, and the same stuff I had to do for the daycare.... Just more hours of classes. The only stressful thing is the whole fenceing that has to be put up for are tiny little duck "pond". It has to be done for te daycare anyways, or ducks just won't have it full during the day, but for foster care we would have to do a fence or are ducks wouldn't ever have a place to swim. All the fence regulations are pretty over the top. For the daycare they want me to get a certified pool fence, an alarm for my windows and more, but finding a five foot tall certified pool fence and getting it shipped is really spendy ad my husband can build the exact same thing. So right now we are figuring that out and setting up times to take the classes we have to take.
That is crazy! We have a kiddie pool for our ducks so that eliminates that problem =)
That is crazy! We have a kiddie pool for our ducks so that eliminates that problem =)

Nope. If the kiddie pool is always out has to have a pool gate around it. Are little pond thing is pretty much a kiddie pool
Nope. If the kiddie pool is always out has to have a pool gate around it. Are little pond thing is pretty much a kiddie pool

Any standing water! I mean I understand put a gate up, but all there gate regulations and an alarm on my window that there's no way a kid could open (I have trouble opening it!). My husband should just be able to build a gate that's not climbable and sturdy, bit nope. We're trying to figure out what to build that will meet every regulation.
Any standing water! I mean I understand put a gate up, but all there gate regulations and an alarm on my window that there's no way a kid could open (I have trouble opening it!). My husband should just be able to build a gate that's not climbable and sturdy, bit nope. We're trying to figure out what to build that will meet every regulation.

If it's not for the kids to use and dumped as soon as they are done playing it has to be fenced. Even a small, shallow kiddie pool. At least that's the law here
And it has to be five feet tall! Let me repeat how insane this is.... A five foot tall fence around a kiddie pool! Yup!

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