Foster Parents/ Adoption

@Rhandi74 Thank you for your encouragement and support!
You are very welcome and I am very happy you are helping children in need and opening your home up and hopefully adopting. :D
I did. The class is next Saturday at 6 but I'm not sure if hubby can attend with me due to being military and having to work (it is ALOT harder to get out of). He is asking off anyway but since online the class said it was tuesday and we just found out they changed the dates he doesn't have the time in advance to ask off as is protocal. I will definately be going though =) I am hoping to learn more about the process and it would be lovely to connect with someone local who is a foster or adoptive parent!

I'm excited for you! I know the process is long and trying but first step accomplished!

I've already bought a crib! I have also decided on nursery furniture. Other than a crib I'm getting a organic mattress as they have tied offgassing to SIDS... then I'm getting one of these It will look cute and I can use it to store clothes, diapers, toys, and books then put a changing pad on top if I want one. I might also get a closet system like this Who knows =)  I do know I'll save alot of money on bedding since that is another SIDS risk.

I'm thinking of doing trees on the walls like this 
I want to try to draw and paint it since it is kind of expensive and I am thinking of doing 2! I also think it would be easier to do than this one

I've also bought a few baby clothes for boys and girls in different sizes just in case they come with nothing... I bought those a while ago on clearance! 

I'm also thinking of subscribing to some parenting magazines =)

You should also buy a small fan for the baby's room! Studies show even having a small fan going reduces the risk of SIDS. I have one in the nap room for the daycare because I have babies ad anything that helps I'm doing. My best friends little sister died of SIDS at one.... which is almost unheard of. We lived across the street and I remember hearing about it a lot as how horrible and sad, so this has always been a big fear in me growing up. So I have a fan. Cheap and the risk plumets dramatically with a fan. Let me know how orientation goes! And the baby room sounds lovely.
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Wow, so the lady who called on the phone gave me the wrong date for the meeting. I got an email with a different date and day that didn't match up (said Thursday the 11th, Thursday is the 10th) so I had to call to verify.

Im hoping that things get better after the meeting, when I get matched with a specific person.
Wow, so the lady who called on the phone gave me the wrong date for the meeting. I got an email with a different date and day that didn't match up (said Thursday the 11th, Thursday is the 10th) so I had to call to verify. 

Im hoping that things get better after the meeting, when I get matched with a specific person.

I'm sure after the meeting they will. They gave us a big packet with tons if info and explained what we needed to do. Then they gave you the actual numbers to call, not the ones you find online that no one answers! So I'm sure it will be better once you go ;)
I'm sure after the meeting they will. They gave us a big packet with tons if info and explained what we needed to do. Then they gave you the actual numbers to call, not the ones you find online that no one answers! So I'm sure it will be better once you go
Well I did get good news. Even though my husband can't make it they will allow me to take a packet home for him to fill out.
Well I did get good news. Even though my husband can't make it they will allow me to take a packet home for him to fill out.

Yay! He will probably still have to do an orientation at a later date, but you guys can get the ball rolling! :)
Yay! He will probably still have to do an orientation at a later date, but you guys can get the ball rolling!
I'm feeling extremely frustrated. It doesn't even seem worth it right now. I got another phone call that mentioned my call and she proceeded to discourage me saying well just so you know we prescreen out about 1/2 of the applicants, we do a home check before any classes to screen people out, I see you want an infant/toddler... so do 1000's of other people so its unlikely that you will get a call or placement for YEARS.

I wouldn't want someone to lie to me but she was just extremely negative.

I'm still going to the class thursday but I'm pretty upset now.
I'm feeling extremely frustrated. It doesn't even seem worth it right now. I got another phone call that mentioned my call and she proceeded to discourage me saying well just so you know we prescreen out about 1/2 of the applicants, we do a home check before any classes to screen people out, I see you want an infant/toddler... so do 1000's of other people so its unlikely that you will get a call or placement for YEARS. 

I wouldn't want someone to lie to me but she was just extremely negative. 

I'm still going to the class thursday but I'm pretty upset now. 

Well you can always do the class and you will be ready if a baby comes up. More people want babies but that doesn't mean that at some point a placement won't come up.
I'm feeling extremely frustrated. It doesn't even seem worth it right now. I got another phone call that mentioned my call and she proceeded to discourage me saying well just so you know we prescreen out about 1/2 of the applicants, we do a home check before any classes to screen people out, I see you want an infant/toddler... so do 1000's of other people so its unlikely that you will get a call or placement for YEARS.

I wouldn't want someone to lie to me but she was just extremely negative.

I'm still going to the class thursday but I'm pretty upset now.

They try everything for you to take the older children. They will not screen you out if you pass the home study and they will give you time to fix anything they deem usafe or things you may have to do, for example smoke alarms. You will wait for an infant but many people will not take the drug exposed infants and I am thinking that on a previous post you were talking about being prepaired to take one. I fostered for 9 years and had 21 kids come through my home, out of the 21 children 5 were infants. After we were done fostering I received a phone call from a CPS person begging me to take a drug exposed infant but I already had 7 adopted children and it would have been too much for me so I kindly told them sorry we were done fostering. I hope you stick it out and let the BS go in one ear and out the other, it will be well worth the wait when you have your first placement. Good Luck

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