Found a baby pigeon - HELP!

ok, I wont worry about the crazy begging!

Also, what is a canker? The older one seems to have like a yellowy snot in his beak? He had it yesterday and I opened his beak and cleared it out for him, but there is some more today, just like a little bit but its seems one of his nose holes is bloked up with it too?

I think I'm going to have to call a wildlife centre to see if someone can take them as I really don't know what I'm doing and I dont want them to die!
ok, I wont worry about the crazy begging!

Also, what is a canker? The older one seems to have like a yellowy snot in his beak? He had it yesterday and I opened his beak and cleared it out for him, but there is some more today, just like a little bit but its seems one of his nose holes is bloked up with it too?

I think I'm going to have to call a wildlife centre to see if someone can take them as I really don't know what I'm doing and I dont want them to die!
Can you post a picture?

I tried to take one but he absolutely wont let me!!! i can try later when he's calmed down a bit. I trickled some water into his beak and he swallowed it all and all the yellow stuff too so what was there a half hour ago has gone down but if it comes back I will try and take a photo. Its almost like a yellowy snot! Is that normal???? He's totally fine other than this. He's such a feisty bird, he really doesnt like me, he doesnt like being handled at all. As the other one jumps on to and comes up to me and lets me check it over no problem, and Ive only had that one a few days, the older one Ive had a week now! But thats good for being released isn't it? Little one might be a problem
I tried to take one but he absolutely wont let me!!! i can try later when he's calmed down a bit. I trickled some water into his beak and he swallowed it all and all the yellow stuff too so what was there a half hour ago has gone down but if it comes back I will try and take a photo. Its almost like a yellowy snot! Is that normal???? He's totally fine other than this. He's such a feisty bird, he really doesnt like me, he doesnt like being handled at all. As the other one jumps on to and comes up to me and lets me check it over no problem, and Ive only had that one a few days, the older one Ive had a week now! But thats good for being released isn't it? Little one might be a problem
The snot might mean he has an infection, so do get a picture of it.

Wow wouldn't layer feed for a fledgling be harmful with the calcium and stuff? I thought mother birds regurgitated their food for the baby? I read cat food soaked was good.
Wow wouldn't layer feed for a fledgling be harmful with the calcium and stuff? I thought mother birds regurgitated their food for the baby? I read cat food soaked was good.
You are correct, this bird should *not* be getting layer feed! Would be best to get some Kaytee Baby Bird Food or something similar.

I have always feed layer pellets soaked in water or ground up and soaked in water with no problems and have fed a lot of them but did start them on the kaytee baby starter until they were about one week to ten days old
I have always feed layer pellets soaked in water or ground up and soaked in water with no problems and have fed a lot of them but did start them on the kaytee baby starter until they were about one week to ten days old
Too much calcium for birds that aren't laying. Glad you haven't had any trouble yet, but I think it would be wise to feed them something else.

I will try and get a picture next time he is snotty!

Little baby just had a drink all on his own! he drank loads and filled his crop right up with water, maybe the problem was he wasnt getting enough water in there?? He's all of a sudden refusing food!!
(this is was before his big drink!) argh, this is hard work! I will try him again in a bit once the water is all out of his crop.

I really want to put them together so they can have each others company, but the little one harasses the bigger one constantly for food and the bigger one just looks at it really confused.
I will try and get a picture next time he is snotty!

Little baby just had a drink all on his own! he drank loads and filled his crop right up with water, maybe the problem was he wasnt getting enough water in there?? He's all of a sudden refusing food!!
(this is was before his big drink!) argh, this is hard work! I will try him again in a bit once the water is all out of his crop.

I really want to put them together so they can have each others company, but the little one harasses the bigger one constantly for food and the bigger one just looks at it really confused.
Any picture will help.


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