Found a cartridge casing in my duck's run area

I actually swept the area with a large shop-mag from Harbor-Freight and found a ton of scrap metal, from nails, screws and staples to unidentifiable objects, but neither shell casings, nor most bullets are magnetic. :D
So it will be a metal detector (see above), but which one - i have no clue!
Metaldetector is the only way, magnet won't pick up brass.
Looks like the magnet is only a bit effective. I'm gonna start picking up my brass!
I did a necropsy for someone's peafowl and found these their gizzards

I've been wondering about this very thing, ever find them in chickens?

I shot .22RF for almost 30 years around the house before I got chickens. Probably tens of thousands of empties scattered about the back yard. Was wondering if my chickens would eat brass empties.

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