Found a Teeny Tiny Dutch Bantam on the side of the road-UPDATE w/pic!

Aww what a cutie! She is so tiny!!
I actually just found a stray chicken recently
I posted a thread about her :

That is one cute chook and you are a great sammaritan!

Living in Jersey in the Channel Isles I have access to any number of birds on the roadside: Any unwanted cockerels just get dumped out to fend for themselves!

It makes me so cross!!!
In a country of so called animal- lovers, which is also quite affluent as societies go, that there are people who just throw live birds out like trash!!!! These animals don't stand a chance against the elements or the predators!!!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!
Well, I just keep on learning something new everyday. I went to Ondra's Seramas website and learned a LOT about Seramas. I don't think Tiny Tina Rosalita (her name now) is a Serama.

I've always wondered what an OEGB was. Tonight it suddenly came to me, after reading everyone's posts, that OEGB is Old English Gamebird. Now THAT is more like it. She holds her tail like a game bird and she is NOISY like a game bird. For such a tiny creature, this bird can SQWAUK!!!

I originally thought that she is full-grown, but after seeing someone's chicken that looks JUST LIKE HER in another post, now I'm thinking that maybe she is only 3 months old or so.

All I know is that she is absolutely ADORABLE and I LOVE her sooooooo much already. She came to me when my turkey hen, Rosie, was dying. Hence the name, Rosalita (little Rosie). Chickensiox thought of that one.

She has fallen in love with my Buff Orpington Cross rooster named George. He is in the cage next to hers. When she stands next to him, he looks 4 stories tall!!! It is soooooo funny. Maybe I will be able to get a picture of them and get it on here.

Anyway, THANKS for all your input. Chickensioux and her DH are the GREATEST!!! Who else would leave the comfort of their home after a hard day's work, at suppertime, and fly up the road to save a tiny little chicken hen???!!!!? (I couldn't stop because I was already late to pick up my 81-year-old mother at adult day care and they charge $10.00 per five minutes of tardiness. I don't think I could have caught her anyway. She is as fast as lightning). I am the one constantly blessed by them and now my Tiny Tina Rosalita.

Hope you all have a TERRIFIC WEEKEND!!
It really was such a strange place for her to be. I would love to know the sequence of events that brought her to a very busy area traffic wise and no homes in sight. How long was she there? HOW did she not get hit by a car? Anyway, I would do anything for The Old Rebel, one of the kindest, most sincere, fellow animal lover I've ever had the pleasure to befriend. And Tiny Tina Rosalita is in the best care and most loving home. I'm pretty sure she's already rotten!!!!
Thanks, Camelot Farms, for clarifying that bit of information for me. She is DEFINITELY bantam. So, unless someone comes up with something better, I think I've got myself an OEGB.

Yesterday I didn't even know what an OEGB was. Now I've got one. Wheeeeeeeee!!!!!!

And I don't think it's possible to love anything or anyone more than I love her already.

Pardon my ignorance, but what separates an Old English Gamebird from other types of Gamebirds?? Or are they all Old English?? What do I know?? Before this came up, all I knew about were Orpingtons and Barred Rocks and Dominiques (or Domineckers or whatever you call them).... oh and Wyandottes and Buff Rocks and Buff Brahmas and Red Star Sex Links and Americanas. I wouldn't have known about those last 5 if we hadn't ordered some this year. How can a person be in the chicken business for 10 years and still be so ignorant???? I think I must have had my head in the dirt!!

LOL Hope y'all have a TERRIFIC WEEKEND!! I am. I'm actually getting to be on BYC for awhile this afternoon. Whoopee!!!

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