found a toad!


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Found this little guy in our garden pond today! Pretty sure it's a toad but no clue what species or anything. He also looked like he was having some trouble getting out and kept coming over and trying really hard to get out. Sooo... i helped him! And tried to build a little exit ramp! Lol the one shell floated too so that also works. And I didn't even need to fully net him, just kind of pushed and lifted so the pic with the net is really as far inside as he went so that was good :) I think he appreciated it though and he's very docile. I left him alone after this though.

Though I just let he dog in and he's gone so must've rested a few minutes then left. I'm sure he's just behind some plants though














Its an American toad, there should be tonnes of them around you, at least there is around me! and if this is 'rare' amphibians are always the first to die in a toxic environment, its sad how and what we pollute our environment with.

No wonder it didn't look familiar.
Thanks everyone! Glad it's not just me that thinks he's cute :p

And thanks for identifying the species!! Sadly, we don't see that many anymore though. :(

They're still in the big pond down the street but sadly never really come to our garden anymore. We used to get toads, bullfrogs, peepers, etc. And nothing now :(

The pond does sometimes get gross and has been bleached a few times, especially last year, but even before my brother bleached it, they weren't there for some reason. :(

I'd like them to come back though! I may start by cleaning it more and not bleaching but idk how to attract them. :(

But sorry, I'm rambling lol anyways, I thought he was adorable too! :D
ya they are cute. bleaching out your pond wont hurt them as long as there not in there when you do it. bleach breaks down pretty quickly so it should be all good. as far as attracting them is all about the food, worms, bugs anything that moves and will fit in there mouth is what there after. :)


Thanks for all the info!

Now that you mention it, I have noticed the bleach goes away pretty fast. Even when my brother out a ton in there, it starts to move away from white pretty quickly, often within a few weeks or months, so it makes sense :)

And thanks! We have a lot of bugs in the garden, I think, so that's probably why they're there, but I'm thinking of growing some mealworms for the future chickens as well as the wild birds so maybe ai could put some there for them!
Do let us know how it goes.
I also used to have a lot of frogs in my old garden a while back which since disappeared. The general suspicion was that they had no-where to breed and thus died out, however it doesn't explain how they got there in the first place...
Do let us know how it goes. :)  I also used to have a lot of frogs in my old garden a while back which since disappeared. The general suspicion was that they had no-where to breed and thus died out, however it doesn't explain how they got there in the first place...

Will definitely do! And really? Hmm, must be an odd phenomenon then! :p

That makes sense though, I never thought of that.

I don't know if this explains it but we have one of those big drainage pipes and the end of the driveway, goes under it, and anyways, the whole thing always used to flood with water everytime it rained and there used to be tons of salamanders but the last few years it hasnt flooded at all and I haven't looked but I doubt there's salamanders too and even though ut raced through sometimes, it also formed a pretty large vernal pool every spring, and obviously that's not there either so I'm wondering if that's maybe the reason or at least part of it. :/

I'm hoping though with food and maybe the addition of a clay pot or two they will come back

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