Found baby bird ... Need help!

I have hand raised sparrows, starlings, cedar waxwings, and nuthatches. The best thing to feed is a mix of high quality cat food (ground up) mixed with tums, a hard boiled egg, avian vitamins, applesauce and water. Do NOT use baby bird food from the pet store. These are not formulated for song birds (rehabbers have been trying to get them to change the labeling without success) and can cause something called metabolic bone disease. One of my sparrows has that because the person I got her from (a veterinary oncologist, no less) fed it to her, without knowing she shouldn't have. You can find the recipe for baby bird food here: Songbirds are insectivorous as babies, regardless of adult diet, and they can't process plant proteins well.
Whatever species he is, he sure is looking good. It looks like he's getting a few more feathers, too.

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