Thank you very much 😊 I'm new and so far girls are fine, I appreciate you sharing I feel strong knowing folks like you are here. So glad I joined !
Awe thanks! This chat forum will be a lifesaver! I use it all the time. I’m 2 years in to having my first 3 ducks and Still find myself using this chat regularly for help
Glad it helped your duck!

Jumbo pekins are awesome! View attachment 3566182
Yes they are! Mine thinks it’s funny to scream bloody murder if her water has so much as a leaf in it or she’s aaaaalmost out of food. She has me trained very well lol


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Holy crap everybody, I have just found a miracle cure for bumblefoot! And you can buy it on Amazon for $17!!!

I’ve been battling bumble with my jumbo pekin for over a year now. She stubbed her toe which led to a horrific middle toe join infection. It was so swollen and looked like the skin was ready to split.

I did the surgery and removed a big kernel. Every day I went to change her bandages the wound was bigger and more chunks were pushing to the surface.

We made arrangements for euthanasia as it was getting out of control bad and I couldn’t watch her suffer.

I did one last search online and saw an article for EPSOM SALT POULTICE for horses. I bought it for an overnight delivery.

3 applications later and ALL SWELLING IS GOOOONE AND THE WOUND IS SCABBING OVER! It’s for hoof abscesses and swollen joints and it totally worked!

Buy it. Have it on hand. This will save everyone so much time and struggles!

Feel free to ask me any questions about it.

It’s thick green goopy sludge. Smells like mint. Kinda feels like the slime kids make. But guys I’m telling you….buy it!!!!!

Attached are photos from before surgery, when it got bad, and today. Notice the swelling is gone! My girl is up walking around, playing, eating etc. (note-it’s green because the poultice is green not infected lol)
If anybody needs help with wrapping up a bumblefoot duck foot let me know and I can post a video. I’ve now mastered it and can do it solo!
If anybody needs help with wrapping up a bumblefoot duck foot let me know and I can post a video. I’ve now mastered it and can do it solo!
I think a video showing how you wrap is a great resource - someone down the road might find it. I've posted photos of how I wrap my duck's foot, but not a video, and I'm curious about other methods. Thanks!
I think a video showing how you wrap is a great resource - someone down the road might find it. I've posted photos of how I wrap my duck's foot, but not a video, and I'm curious about other methods. Thanks!
Thanks I’ll do that in 2 days when her new wrap comes off!
Another vote for the video, we are dealing with recurrent bumble foot on our Pekin and we're new at this. But getting better at the antibiotics...
Ok about to grab her to do her foot wrap and I’ll video it.
NOTE TO ALL - this is for PEKINS! They are big and heavy and difficult. I have found that pulling her leg back is the only way to do it without hurting her. On her back she acts like she’s too chubby to breathe. Holding her she bucks like a bronco.

video will be posted in Just a few minutes!
Ok about to grab her to do her foot wrap and I’ll video it.
NOTE TO ALL - this is for PEKINS! They are big and heavy and difficult. I have found that pulling her leg back is the only way to do it without hurting her. On her back she acts like she’s too chubby to breathe. Holding her she bucks like a bronco.

video will be posted in Just a few minutes!

Thank you! We also have a jumbo pekin and his feet look fine now, but we've had periods where we struggled to help his poor feet! He's so big and heavy that most tutorials for handling a duck wouldn't work (at least not without hurting him, I'm afraid). Definitely appreciate any insights you can share.

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