Found buried eggs!

No matter how many posts I read, I get lost and forget what day it is, LOLOL..
Here I am thinking "holy cow.. how did a r o o s t e r get buried without making a fuss???

you crack me up!
LOL... Got to admit this was funny.. I was wondering how anyone could loose a r00ster in bedding..


egg = 3gg
rooster = is still r00ster
hen = is still h3n?
April Fools = Apri| Foo|s, then?
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Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg - hey, is this that Conficker virus they talked about or are my e-g-g-s telling me what they will hatch out to be?

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One dark night in the middle of the day,
two dead eggs got up to fight,
back to back they faced each other,
drew their swords and shot each other,
a deaf egg heard the noise,
and came and shot the two dead eggs.

if you think this story is tall,
ask the blind egg, he saw it all!

Wow, I can type a really cool story by using e-g-g


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