Found dead Orpington in the coop this morning

welcome! i'm sooo sorry about your chicken! i lost one of my cayuga ducks simalarly. one afternoon, going out to check on my birds, i found her dead in her usual egg-laying spot. she was the best birthday present i ever got
. again, i'm soo sorry you had to lose your orpington! i would never wish something so horrible on anyone.
Greetings from indiana sorrry to hear about your loss. I lost one of my most prized and beloved barred rock not to long ago. i fell your pain, deeply.
I just found my Black Sex-link Chick dead yesterday, she was one of the five that were in the brooder. Her neck had appeared to be broken as well. I asked the guy at the feed store and he said that very often they trample eachother if startled so I felt better knowing this can occur and wasn't from them ganging up on eachother or fighting. I am sorry for your loss.

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