Found green poop in the coop

BayBay , I am sorry to hear about your chicken loss and problems. I went through very simular symptoms for over a year. ( Well I personally didn't but my chickens did. )
I FINALLY did a necropsy on a couple of deceased birds. Wrap um up and put um in the freezer ~ thaw later if necessary. I had received many many guesses from well meaning B.Y.C. family members. None of which were correct. If possible take pictures of necropsy to a vet, post on BYC, see if there is a Univ. near by that has an avian dept. to try and get a correct diagnosis. If there are parts of the chicken that "don't look right" i.e. enlarged liver, oblong nodules that look like fat, ~ anything that lookes "off". Remove it, bag it, refrigerate it, ship it to a avian pathology lab. I think ?? some where on BYC there instructions for shipping 'ol dead chicken parts'. Of course I can not stress enough to practice the utmost bio-security while doing all of this. There is an information post on BYC on how to do a necropsy. I did not have proper tools to do as the post says so I just did the best with what I had. Just don't skip dipping the bird in very soapy water first unless you want to collect feathers for a pillow. Good luck ! DeeDee 2 I'll send you a p.s. about what my chickens had.
I haven't seen any green poop lately, but for whatever reason I have a whole new problem. This week one of my leghorns has a prolapsed vent and has had a pretty poopy butt and I've been soaking her in the tub and trying to keep it as clean as I can. I bought prep h and Neosporin and it just doesn't look pretty. Today especially. I bathed her and she kept tipping over like she was straining a lot so I wrapped her in a towel and just sat with her. We sat a good 45 minutes and then I heard a long fart...did not know a chicken could fart. But then this long black poop came out and man did it stink. So now I'm right back to freaking out because I cant seem to just get these guys well and keep it that way. This is like the month from hell here.
BayBay Peepers, Welcome to the world of chickens. " If it ain't one dang thing - it's your Mother."
Just a joke amoung a few of my friends who have 'demanding' Moms. Perhaps someone else can address this with more knowledge than my self but I don't think you are supposed to use NEOSPORIN on chickens but POLYSPORIN is OK.? Like Will Rogers all I know is what I read and I have read here on BYC never put anything on a chicken that contains the word "cane" . Like Lanacane etc. or the word "cane" in the ingredients. I do not know if Neosporin has any "cane" ingredients or not ~don't have a tube to check. Hope your world to chicken keepin gets smoother. One great thing, the family at BYC is always here to help. Best wishes.
BayBay Peepers, Welcome to the world of chickens. " If it ain't one dang thing - it's your Mother."
Just a joke amoung a few of my friends who have 'demanding' Moms. Perhaps someone else can address this with more knowledge than my self but I don't think you are supposed to use NEOSPORIN on chickens but POLYSPORIN is OK.? Like Will Rogers all I know is what I read and I have read here on BYC never put anything on a chicken that contains the word "cane" . Like Lanacane etc. or the word "cane" in the ingredients. I do not know if Neosporin has any "cane" ingredients or not ~don't have a tube to check. Hope your world to chicken keepin gets smoother. One great thing, the family at BYC is always here to help. Best wishes.

The common pain relieving agent is Lidocaine. Some formulations of antibiotic ointment contain it, and others do not. Avoid the ones containing a pain reliever.
I have successfully nursed several hens back to health. I use a coffee grinder to grind their food into a powder then mix it with some antiobiotic powder from the feed n seed store. I also add some a vitamin B pill to the grinder. I feed the hen with a syringe or an eye dropper technique. (I scoop the food mixture onto the outside of the dropper and then put it into the birds mouth, I have to force her mouth open) I also use the dropper to put some water/Braggs apple cider vinegar into her mouth. I feed her 2-3 times a day until she desires to eat on her own. The excessive drinking is signs of a crop parasite which can cause a secondary infection. I immediately begin adding Braggs to the hen house water alternating with probiotics. This has worked for 3-4 hens over the years. I just recently started putting a few drops of H2O2 into their water when I had some hens that were acting a bit funny. I haven't had any signs if illness since then. It is time consuming but worth it when that special hen is sick.

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