Found one of my hens dead today. Warning Vent Photo

I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Our feathered friends sure do capture our hearts. Big hug.
I, too, would be interested in learning the result.

Thank you so much for you kind words and hug :hugsYes they do. Miss Henny Penny sure did. She was sweet and feisty. I feel so bad that I didn’t notice anything. With the holidays and family here from then until just this Monday and then the cold snap, I wasn’t able to spend as much time with them as I always like to. I feel so bad about that.
I will definitely update as soon as I know the results of the Necropsy.
I agree with everyone else! don't beat yourself up at all! She was well loved. She had a great home. She had a great life. She could have had a horrible life, and she did not. Be at peace with that. You will have answers soon, and she is now not in pain and in a more peaceful place than this hell here on Earth. Bless you flowerlady, bless you. :)
I agree with everyone else! don't beat yourself up at all! She was well loved. She had a great home. She had a great life. She could have had a horrible life, and she did not. Be at peace with that. You will have answers soon, and she is now not in pain and in a more peaceful place than this hell here on Earth. Bless you flowerlady, bless you. :)

Thank you so so much!!! :hugs God Bless you too! It’s hard, we always feel like we could have done more, but then we would be playing God, and no way can I fill His shoes..No call yet from the pathologist, and thank God all the flock looks great. I do have a broody hen this morning sitting on 5 eggs.:jumpy Miss Daisy Duke, another Buff Orpington. If they don’t call me soon I’m going to call them.
I'm sorry for your loss. It cost me $198 to have a Polish Rooster euthanized and a necropsy done. Just yesterday. Waiting results.
It's a heartbreaker when our animas get sick or die. Ugh

Oh wow I’m so sorry for your loss as well. It’s very heartbreaking...
Wow on the price. I paid $45.00 total for the Necropsy and the fecal test. They cremated her for free. When I took her in yesterday they said 24/48 hours. Today she said up to 10 days, but only if they don’t see something obvious, and also the fecal test. We have a white crested black polish that is strictly a pet. He has wrey tail and is impotent or has no sex hormones. He’s never tried to mate with any of the birds and his crow sounds like a boy when their voices changes. He’s as lovable as can be though and circles our feet until we pick him up and love on him. When they free range he comes to the front door for me to let him in, or go outside with him. I don’t let him in long because I don’t want poo on my floor though..He is dumb poor thing in many ways too, but smart in others. We never know what crazy thing he’s going to do.

What symptoms did yours have?
I'm sorry for your loss:hugsi hope you get some answers from the necropcy. I totally agree my chickens are way different from goldfish to me. I would be devastated for any of them to pass. I would want answers too. Best of luck to you <3

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