Fowl pox treatments? WARNING: GROSS PICS

Pullet # 2 sounds like she would be a good one to crop feed until she is better. The Tylan 50 given as an injection or orally sounds better for # 2, while the powder may be easier for the rest. I would try to care for the eyes twice a day if possible, but it's hard to catch the sometimes.
Pullet # 2 sounds like she would be a good one to crop feed until she is better.  The Tylan 50 given as an injection or orally sounds better for # 2, while the powder may be easier for the rest.   I would try to care for the eyes twice a day if possible, but it's hard to catch the sometimes.

Twice a day I can do. Only a few have had eye problems. I'm weighing them all in the morning so I can make sure they're eating, per @casportpony's advice on the other thread. I syringe fed hen #2 for several days recently, but I haven't crop fed. That's the same as tube feeding? I know there's a tutorial if I look for it.
Everyone is bright-eyed and energetic today! Except pullet #2. It's in the 60s today, and damp, so I set up a heat lamp for her.

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Pullet #2 is hanging in there. She's eating on her own, if I hold her. She's super sleepy. Then I saw bright green shavings in her crate. I'm going to treat for coccidiosis, because that's just really what it looks like.
Bright green diarrhea can be a sign that she is not eating. Scrambles eggs, canned tuna, ground meat all are tempting foods for sick chickens. The Corid water shouldn't harm if she could have that. I'm glad the others are doing well, and hope this one perks up. Here is Casportpony's link on tube or crop feeding:
Just updating: pullet #2 ate several forkfuls (very accurate, I know) of canned salmon. I have her medicated water in one of those little paper cups, 3 oz maybe? She's nearly finished it, so she's drinking well, too. Her eye is still closed but not changed in appearance. It doesn't appear to be swollen or infected. I've been washing it with saline and coating with plain neosporin. Our weather changed again last night, so I'm thinking about moving her inside, so the climate is consistent.
Good to hear that she is eating for you. Hope she keeps it up. One concoction may chickens love is raw egg whisked in to a little buttermilk, and mixed with chicken feed or bread cubes.
I had a long meeting yesterday and noticed when I got home that Pullet #2 hadn't touched her food or water. I made her a mash and then realized the wet pox in her mouth had returned, and worse. I was leaving to go out of town and got her to eat as much as I could.

I spent all evening searching feed stores and pharmacies for a tube I could use to feed her, but no luck. Is there anything I can rig up at home?

If she's still alive when I get home I'm going to clean her mouth again and try to get food/water in her.
You can use aquarium air line tubing, but you will need to modify it by melting is a little to make it smooth. Tube fluids first to correct hydration. Force feeding a dehydrated bird can kill them. Okay to add a little corn syrup to the water. The amount I shot for is about 15ml per pound, so you'll need to make a guess as to how much she weighs.

Fluids need to be warmed! Probably also a good idea to get her in a room that's 85 degrees and get her warmed up.


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