Fowl Pox Vaccinations-how/where to apply


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 14, 2008
SW Virginia
I have to vaccinate my flock for fowl pox, I purchased the vaccine from Jeffers and have it ready. I was wondering if anyone has a photo that can show me where exactly to prick them under the wing and how deep do I go? I know to avoid bone, muscle, and blood vessels, but where exactly do I prick and how deep. Also, do I need to wear gloves or will I be fine if a little bit gets on me. Thanks.

Sorry it's a quick one.... I do it in either of these 2 spots....
Teresa, unfold a wing. At the first joint out from the body and on the forward edge of the wing, is a web. The 2 pronged needle supplied with the syrum is first inserted into the bottle, then it is pushed all the way through the wing web. When it is withdrawn, the proper amount of the vaccine remains in the web. You should have a helper to catch and hold the chicken and it is easily done at night by picking them off the roost. Have fun.........Pop
Thanks for your help. That helps a lot. I think I will do it at night, that would be much easier, but I will wait until its warmer out since it is freezing here right now. I read the directions but it always helps to have someone who has done it before explain. Thanks again!!!

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