Fox attack, lonely 9 week old chick, please help


May 9, 2022
Well this is the first time a predator has gotten my chickens and hopefully the last, a fox dug into a coop that I had 4, 9 week old chicks in, it got 3 before waking up at 2am and going outside to find the sneaky ***** coming back for the last one. So now I have a lonely 9 week old chick, I obviously can’t stay home all day from work and cuddle it, so I really need some help on what to do. Leave it by itself and just spoil it? I also have 5, 3 week old chicks, could I see is she would get along with them? I have a flock of svart Hona that never fight or show aggressive, maybe she can go with them since they are smaller birds? Any help is appreciated
The first thing to do is predator proof your coop and run. Maybe put an apron around it. It's hard to say without seeing your setup sorry for your losses. If you can put the birds in separate cage so they can see each other but not hurt each other for a while, then try integrating.
The first thing to do is predator proof your coop and run. Maybe put an apron around it. It's hard to say without seeing your setup sorry for your losses. If you can put the birds in separate cage so they can see each other but not hurt each other for a while, then try integrating.
I for sure won’t be using that coop until it can be secured properly, I really thought it was, I feel dumb for even letting that happen, I found someone selling 9 week old Wyandotte’s, if I got them would they all get along since they are the same age and breed?
I for sure won’t be using that coop until it can be secured properly, I really thought it was, I feel dumb for even letting that happen, I found someone selling 9 week old Wyandotte’s, if I got them would they all get along since they are the same age and breed?
Please don't feel dumb. Believe me over the years I have made many mistakes but we should learn from our mistakes. There are threads on integration on BYC. Do a search integration can always be an factor to consider. Good luck. ❤️
Can I tell you the latest stupid thing I did? I set coon traps months ago and forgot about the one by my bird feeder. My favorite lawn chair was set beside the one I forgot about. I woke to a commotion this morning and a conn got in that trap and chewed a huge hole in the chair and debarked the pink dogwood tree where the trap was connected. :barnieNow is that dumb on my part or old age. :eek:
I had some five week old chicks this year in the brooder with week olds, the older chicks were very gentle with them.
Oh really? I think I’ll at least try putting her with the younger ones and see how it goes then, I suppose I won’t know unless I try, I mostly just don’t want to stress her out anymore, she’s had quite the night 😔
Can I tell you the latest stupid thing I did? I set coon traps months ago and forgot about the one by my bird feeder. My favorite lawn chair was set beside the one I forgot about. I woke to a commotion this morning and a conn got in that trap and chewed a huge hole in the chair and debarked the pink dogwood tree where the trap was connected. :barnieNow is that dumb on my part or old age. :eek:
Oh darn that’s too bad! I suppose we all make mistakes though! Live and learn lol

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